Impeach Bush : NO WMDs (Weapons of Mass Disappearance)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TigerO, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. ElCubano


    Do you find this article to be Positive??? I want to know one positive thing that has come out of this War so far?? is this your answer?? Anyways, I hope they find a big stockpile this will give some reason to the madness....and it better be big.....
    #11     Sep 25, 2003
  2. I was not a big fan of this war going in. I regarded preemptive war as a significant step for a democracy to take. I wasn't an opponent either, as any fool could see the threat Saddam posed and the need to prevent his acquisition or use of WMD and to dry up sources of state-sponsored terrorism.

    Now that we've done it, I have to say that it should go down in history as one of the most brilliant strategic moves ever. For minimal cost, we (1) demonstrated that we can totally defeat a large, well-equipped army in a matter of weeks; (2) put ourselves in a position to control events in the middle east; (3) put enormous pressure on Iran to democratize; (4) put ourselves in position to be independent of Saudi Arabia and in fact pressure them; (5) effectively removed Syria as a regional player; (6)killed large numbers of terrorists and potential terrorists; (7) removed any danger from Saddam's military and WMD programs and (8) put ourselves in control of the world's second largest oil reserves.

    Now how can we screw up this great coup? By pulling out before all our strategic and region-wide objectives are accomplished. By letting the UN or euro's get involved. By taking advice from wretched middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia or Egypt. By letting the security situation in Iraq deteriorate further. By pouring our own money down this hole.

    The administration has made a lot of mistakes, most notably failing to take control of the post-war public debate and failing to impose a more secure occupation. These are important failures, and may make Bush's reelection much more difficult than it should have been, but they don't distract from the enormity of the success we have achieved.

    And Bush still has the trump card argument:"Do you feel safer with Saddam gone or or would you prefer he was still in power?"
    #12     Sep 25, 2003
  3. bwahahahahaha What exact planet are you from?:D

    Well equipped? ummm you mean that balsawood plane! right right what a fight, so proud we won against all odds:cool: :cool:

    ummm independent of Saudi arabia,??? ok whatever you smoke pass it around:D :D dumya cabal still sleeps with them, or is it the lower oil prices?? Removed Syria? removed wmd's? man are you for real?

    #8 FULLY AGREE :D :D

    kkkinthebeltway..yer losing it...snap out of it :D
    #13     Sep 25, 2003
  4. 1)in spain, there was guernica...(TW)
    2)if israel can't with us backing them, i doubt we can do it now
    3)read "all the shah's men" for a true account of the US attitude towards democracy in Iran. bottom line: if it weren't for the CIA in the 1950's, Iran would be a democracy right now.
    6)maybe, but we've also generated manyfold more.
    7)not really.
    #14     Sep 25, 2003
  5. ElCubano


    1) Did we really need to prove we can defeat an Army?? ( They didnt look so well equipped ). This is not a positive IMO. And a big waste of money if it was the real reason we went in...

    2) We seem to be having a hard time controling IRAQ what makes you think we will ever control events in the Middle east... Im just asking please forgive me for my ignorance...

    3)????? pressure ??????

    4) We could have done this without War....Just make Us less dependent on Oil (Saudi Arabia) than we are now....If this was the case you would not have been mad at OPEC yesterday :D

    5) Syria.... "contain in the box"

    6) Also have paid the price dearly with our own soldiers and still counting....

    7) This one is very debatable considering they havent found shit...Saddam was no threat to me....

    8) BINGO amigo.... Finally we get to the real reason and the only positive thing from this War......but I have to say this will take lots and lots of mula to get up to par according to TIME mag...

    and for fealing safer I would have to honestly say long as Coyotes cross our borders at will bringin in Illegals which may be more profitable now than Drugs we are in serious danger.....

    #15     Sep 25, 2003
  6. Strikes necessary to stunt weapons programs

    Clinton said he made the decision to strike Wednesday with the unanimous agreement of his security advisors.

    Timing was important, said the president, because without a strong inspection system in place, Iraq could rebuild its chemical, biological and nuclear programs in a matter of months, not years.

    "If Saddam can cripple the weapons inspections system and get away with it, he would conclude the international community, led by the United States, has simply lost its will," said Clinton. "He would surmise that he has free rein to rebuild his arsenal of destruction."

    Clinton also called Hussein a threat to his people and to the security of the world.

    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Was Clinton lying too?? after all, he kicked out all the inspectors in you really think he just got rid of them or do yo think they are still there somewhere???
    #17     Sep 25, 2003
  7. ElCubano


    Every freaken President lies..believe you me this is not about that..I dont care if he lied or not, I only care if it is right in what has been done up to now ( wether it be a democrat or republican)....shit, remember when your MOM used to lie about how good the medicine tasted??? that was the right thing to do...

    This is my take on your question, In my opinion if Saddam had the capabilities to Destroy the USA or its people he would have done so when his back was up against the wall, surely he didnt think he would win the War in a conventional fashion...Why wouldnt he have used them then??? That question needs to be addressed ...
    #18     Sep 25, 2003
  8. Maverick74


    Be careful TM, reminding liberals of their hypocrisy might anger them and start them on a charade about how the 2000 election was illegal or that Bush invaded Iraq to steal their oil or George Bush was the reason for the selloff in the mkt this morning. Be careful. They are very sensitive.
    #19     Sep 25, 2003
    #20     Sep 25, 2003