Impact on stock price of your trade

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Option Trader, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. Here's my thoughts:
    Sometimes it seems things go according to the normal supply & demand rules, i.e. as you buy up stock, the stock goes up in price. Other times, as you buy up stock, the stock price caves in on you, which seemingly is designed to squeeze out the retail day trader or newbie. It seems to me NASDAQ stocks seem to cooperate a bit more, but NYSE can go either way, and may depend on which stock.
    What are your thoughts?
  2. Stop being so paranoid and update your greek-sheets.
  3. I speak English, not Greek; maybe you can clarify yourself.
  4. Stay away from Amex stocks.
  5. Why do you think they are worse than NYSE?
  6. AMEX is supposed to be the most corrupt. However, I done well on most of the AMEX stocks I picked. Really only had a problem with NGA. You need to go with the flow. If the flow is against you, then don't bet against it. If you do, you will get crushed.
  7. But isn't it amazing to think what effect all these little 1 lot orders can have eventually? It's like the tornado in the Caribbean caused by the draft of a butterfly in China.

    Did you ever consider that when you bought/sold that stock the other day this might have led to the margin call of somebody elses account? Which then had to liquidate other symbols which led to margin calls in yet a few more accounts? Quite interesting thought.
  8. IMO, retail traders have more of an impact because:
    1) Your orders get matched.
    OR: 2) They try to make the trade play against you.

    Also, after a stock has taken a big intraday dip, sometimes it's just a question "who will start" and then the stock begins a recovery.
  9. Do you actually trade Options? He meant greeks as delta's, gamma's, vega's, theta's.

    Maybe if you have alpha's, beta's and omega's you can update them as well. Just kidding. LMAO. :p
  10. Got ya. Well that sometimes speaks to me.
    #10     Nov 26, 2006