immigrants headed home

Discussion in 'Economics' started by zdreg, Mar 3, 2009.

is this good for the future of the US

  1. yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. no

    40 vote(s)
  3. unsure

    6 vote(s)
  1. Thats why we need to break up the Union. Its the only hope. Let the Cheese people have the country.

    We need a "New America". Hopefully Texas becomes it.

    #51     Mar 3, 2009
  2. Texas, why?
    #52     Mar 3, 2009
  3. gnome


    I always thought Texas was too hot, dry, and flat for my tastes... but it's sounding better all the time.. :D
    #53     Mar 3, 2009
  4. Well people in H1B are not exceptionally smart or skilled. They are about the same your American IT worker but filled a very important role pre-2000 because of the massive need for programmers during y2k.

    I like H1B if its used as in pre-2000. Good, hard working people come to US, stay for 6-7 years, gain permanent residency, get citizenship all the while earning top dollars, paying their taxes and contributing to the society. It made american companies competitive and actually reduced the need for offshoring.

    Now, what happened after 2000 was borderline criminal. Its used or rather abused by offshoring companies to bring techies on short-term trips to aid offshoring. For example, if your project is offshored, few people from offshore needs to come here and gather some knowledge about it. Offshoring companies use the H1B visa for this purpose. Those who come on H1B stay for short periods and do not contribute anything to US.

    I think they should stop giving H1B for people to come here on short trips and r_pe america and its jobs.
    #54     Mar 3, 2009
  5. Like they had a choice?

    Crap or crap sandwich? Which would you prefer?
    #55     Mar 3, 2009
  6. Bingo.

    Now I understand why Obama wants to be the education president - because as the rats flee the sinking ship we will need to rebuild our technical know-how and science/engineering prowess to compete with the chinindians. Except we have really just pissed that away. 5 years to develop the first crop of those folks, and a good 10-15 years of committed endeavor to re-develop it. Since we can't seem to keep a theme for more than eight years in this country, it doesn't give me a lot of confidence in meeting that goal, as the best and brightest will also reach a similar conclusion.

    I was a science major undergrad and I remember trying to find a job in a related industry post. Forget it - no good ones, and even if I could, it was at a marginal starting salary. However, Citibanks card division wanted to start me 10-15K higher in their modeling division. So, I started looking at I-Banking jobs. 'Nuff said. And so did everyone else I know who was an ivy science grad (and there weren't a whole lot of us). Perhaps 3 in a class went on to academia. The rest are now mostly MBA's.

    That's a hard lesson to be taught, and its going to take a lot to unlearn. If you want to have a command economy where the money masters and their underlings reap the rewards while all others toil, don't expect the elite to throw themselves upon the altar of science, for she is a harsh mistress and only grudgingly yields her secrets.

    You'll know that we are in trouble when the second string foreign physicians leave the US and there is talk of a physician shortage. The US does not mint a sufficient number of doctors from its medical schools to fill its training programs completely. Foreign doctors fill the rest of the slots. Keep your eyes open.
    #56     Mar 3, 2009
  7. Having worked in healthcare for a bit, I have come to the conclusion that AMA is a glorified guild/union making sure the supply of doctors is always less than demand.

    I guess in one way thats good as they did a better job than engineering societies in keeping the salaries of their members high.

    #57     Mar 3, 2009
  8. gnome



    I would have felt better had the mood been more of "choosing the lesser of evils" rather than the orgasmic swoon over NObama.... a likely pathological narcissist according to Dr. Samuel Vaknin.

    And... I supposed the average voter does not understand how this Socialistic swing in our culture is going to be many, MANY times worse for the country... not to mention depriving our children and grandchildren of their life's opportunity, prosperity, and their own pursuit of happiness.
    #58     Mar 3, 2009
  9. Uhm, I don't think you understand.

    HB1 Visa scam. Look it up. Just a basic tool for the IT executives to get rid of highly paid workers & their retirement packages. That was the basic reason behind it. More compensation in the pockets of upper management at the expense of US workers & product/service quality. And more profits for shareholders, but those get skimmed too much.

    There was never a real demand for HB1s, why would there be? Why would any firm want to deal with an inferior worker who comes here from across the world and has cultural & linquistic barriers? Unless, he was dirt cheap all around & had little worker's rights & had the illusion of being just as good due to a degree. Capitalism at its finest.

    It's the same as Indian offshoring. Most of it is just a scam, nothing more. And ironically, borderline illegal as legal & financial firms send sensitive documents & records overseas without their clients knowing it.
    #59     Mar 4, 2009
  10. The finance economy is over, the sooner most people realize this the best. So everything white is now black and so forth. A lot of the policies over the last 30 years were due to having this "finance economy", everything was about making profits in american corporations look better, attracting foreign capital, expanding money supply etc, then charging fees the hell out of it.
    Now it's build local, develop new technologies and have better trade practices. Hopefully the economy turns into this new direction in the next 10 years..
    #60     Mar 4, 2009