immigrants headed home

Discussion in 'Economics' started by zdreg, Mar 3, 2009.

is this good for the future of the US

  1. yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. no

    40 vote(s)
  3. unsure

    6 vote(s)
  1. Very strong opinion and they usually come from people who are least knowledgeable of the issue at hand.

    Corruption is a universal problem. Can you say that there is no corruption here is US or the West in general? It is just the degree that varies. It is a relatively young country with a lot of potential.
    #31     Mar 3, 2009
  2. i do resent what your people have done to my country - Indians have destroyed the integrity level of IT, in every possible way

    even Iowa now has organized crime because of you bastards

    yes, i did mean YOUR people, chowdary is an indian surname
    #32     Mar 3, 2009
  3. Is it their fault, or the fault of YOUR (our) government and corporations that allowed them to come here?

    I remember watching a video of Hillary Clinton recently giving speeches about how we need to increase the H1B visa quota. Great.
    #33     Mar 3, 2009
  4. no, i guess i'm wrong to blame the organized crime indians

    on a related note, i see that an illegal alien salvadorian has been charged in the chandra levy case

    freaking hilarious that an illegal alien loving congessman had been framed for the crime an illegal alien committed

    couldnt happen to a nicer guy

    ha ha ha what a f--king a--hole

    It is of course a tragedy what happened to the girl, but seems like poetic justice that a guy who let them in got framed for it

    this was THE story as of September 10, 2001
    #34     Mar 3, 2009
  5. I never tried to hide my identity. I am an Inidan.

    If these people broke the law they should be tried and punished accordingly. That is actually one of the facts that I admire in US. Rule of law. Don't blame India in general for something that a few people did.

    If you really want to blame someone, blame the people who got US into this financial mess. They are the ones who inflicted a lot of damage to US people. Hopefully, your next post will be more civilized. Otherwise, not too late to consider those therapy sessions :).
    #35     Mar 3, 2009
  6. Now Now...... No reason to get worked up.

    Isn't that what Native Indians would say about you people? :D :D :D

    The irony ...

    #36     Mar 3, 2009
  7. Guys,

    You can debate how worthy or unworthy the H1-B visa holders are until you're blue in the face and still you will miss the point.

    H1-B holders are very skilled labour and they are demanded everywhere in the world. The United States made it a nightmare to get an H1-B visa, but until now it was worth it because America was the land of opportunity.

    The fact that these people are now choosing to go back to their (often) third world countries implies that these people no longer see enough opportunity here to make staying in this significantly cleaner and more comfy country worth their while. Their lack of desire to come is a bad sign. The next bad sign will be when American skilled labour starts going overseas.
    #37     Mar 3, 2009
  8. i dont think it makes a lot of sense to base an immigration policy on 'our ancestors have sinned - therefore, we deserve to be harmed'

    if that's the case, i want all 'defense' spending stopped immidiately - after all, we deserve to be harmed by others, right?

    and my ancestors did not get indian land, they bought it from european americans

    the 'your ancestors stole this land' arguement" neither me or my ancestors could have so much as JAYWALKED on that excuse

    we had and have to follow EVERY law
    #38     Mar 3, 2009
  9. Thats too deep. Your sentence construction had a delicious irony thats all....

    What I am saying is: In the history of USA all immigrants have been viewed with paranoia by the newly made locals regardless of how they came.

    Back to the regular programming.

    #39     Mar 3, 2009
  10. I have to say.... Of all the H1Bs I have met.... I could barely count one in five who seemed competitive on skills alone.

    #40     Mar 3, 2009