Immigrants Don't Take Jobs From Americans, Fed Study Says

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Banjo, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. You think employers want most of these low level unskilled American workers? Who do you think can build that roof more quickly, paint the walls, scrub the toilets, do the food prep?

    You don't know jackshit because you've never been involved in any enterprise where Immigrants take on these jobs. In other words, it's not just because these guys come cheaper, but for the most part they do it better as well.
    #41     Aug 31, 2010
  2. Let me further dissect your horseshit reply.

    What do you think has been the main factor in keeping inflationary pressures from spiralling out of control? You know the kind of thing where you weren't paying $15 for a burger and fries when the wholesale costs of everything went up for restaurant owners, etc?

    So, in your utopia, we now offload all of the Illegal Immigrants and the unions all move in and take over these jobs and the next thing you know, we've got bonafide runaway inflation, since now all of these employees are going to get all the perks. And guess what, many of these employers will quickly figure out that there sure as shit isn't a reason to stay in business once they've got to pay those new wages.

    I'm sorry to break it to you, but there is quite a bit of cause and effect with this entire argument, but with your level of intellect, I'm sure you've got all of this figured out. After all, you aren't the asshole who would have to deal with any of the fallout are you?
    #42     Aug 31, 2010
  3. Not "in which", you linguistic genius, just "which"...

    Don't worry about trying to write meaningful sentences, you'll pull a muscle or smth.
    #43     Aug 31, 2010
  4. achilles28


    Thanks for showing your true colors. You employ illegal immigrants.

    You're exactly what's wrong with America. You couldn't give too shits for the gigantic social and economic costs taxpayers must shoulder so you can pocket a bundle after paying Hector 6 bucks an hour. You can't compete, so you employ illegal labor. Go back to wherever you came from, douchebag.
    #44     Aug 31, 2010
  5. Eddiefl



    I am more American than you ever will be, 6th verifiable generation, so take that in your pipe and smoke it, you freaking Canadian wierdo, btw, you are canadian, send your hot bitches, go play hockey and stfu. Stay out of our business down here.

    We will tell your country when its time to talk, hahah,

    You sound like an ideological 20-something that just took an night class in political science. Your shit is full of non-real world talk.

    For the life of me, I cannot find 10 "legal" Americans who would do the minimal work that those migrant workers do, without bitching, complaining or think they deserve 15.00/hr to clean toilets.

    This argument isnt a mexican or migrant issue, it is a work ethic issue, they have work ethic, many Americans dont.!! They will work anywhere, here we have a bunch conditioned, welfare-babys who will take a job if they can be vice-president or higher. No one wants to start at the bottom anymore.

    Do you really think current teenagers would take these positions, first you gotta tell them to put down the weed and the xbox, good luck with that.

    This attachement is for you buddy, what we "Americans" really think of our funny neighbor to the north. hahah

    #45     Aug 31, 2010
  6. achilles28



    You're the problem, dumbass. The only insight here is your shitty little business would go under without taxpayer-subsidized illegal labor. Guess what? That's a GOOD THING. If the market can't support it at lawful wages that pay Americans - instead of taking money OUT of their pockets to line yours - you and your shitty little operation ought to get flushed. Just like the banks.

    You have *zero* understanding of economics. You think offshoring and illegal immigration will solve Americas job problem!?!? Okay, Forest. America is for Americans. Not for illegals to take American jobs. And frankly, the companies that employ illegals or offshore are no different than the carpetbaggers. You're hurting America but rationalize it up and down because doing the right thing costs too much in the wallet.

    As far as inflation goes, it takes a backseat to jobs, employment and GDP. Offshoring and illegals export American wealth overseas which particularly exacerbates the severity of recessions, like the one we're enduring now, when Americans desperately need good paying jobs to pay off their massive debt load. Of course, most of those jobs are in China, done by 3 illegals, or farmed out to an H1B. See, what you don't get her, dummy: the entire Country needs high paying jobs to support it's massive public and private debt burden. The more you guys chip away and source out American jobs, the less Americans have jobs. And the less they buy. Or pay back. This becomes a viscous circle where eventually the only option is to nationalize the banking system, monetize, or do a Great D 2.0. In either case, the shit will hit the fan real soon, and all the illegals South of Rio Grande can't help you then ! :D
    #46     Aug 31, 2010
  7. Eddiefl


    You are thinking way to high for your paygrade, you arent the Canadian BErnake. The Great D 2.0,, hahah, lol,, gimme a break man,

    Dont worry Canada will be fine, just keep on selling us your beaver pelts.

    A lot of if and then, when the shit breaks, when the bottom falls etc.etc,. You live in a theory world, many of us own businesses. Live in the real world.

    Stay in Canada.

    #47     Aug 31, 2010
  8. achilles28


    Ahahah. Fuck you, Bitch :D

    Night manager at Denny's, eh? Boy, you really made a name for yourself. LOL

    Why don't put an ad on craigslist, pay a decent wage (10 bucks), and see what happens? I bet you didn't even post a want ad. Just cruise down to the old Wallgreens and signal a few Mexicans to jump into the back of your pickup.

    Pure horseshit. Millions of Americans earn less than 25K a year. I'll give you a hint: they're not selling real estate or underwriting mortgages, dumbass. They're doing shit jobs, for shit pay. But you won't hear it because you're too fucking cheap to hire and pay an American. You'd rather pay an illegal half as much because they won't talk back, and the taxpayers pick up the difference. You're a real douchebag. Somebody should call ICE on your ass.
    #48     Aug 31, 2010
  9. Eddiefl


    This whole issue was cleared up last month in another thread.

    Now, dont be a lazy Canadian and go look it up.

    Denny's, naaa,,, I was more of a Perkins man back in college.

    Good luck bud, really sounds like you will need it.

    Now go back to Canuck-land and send back some whiskey,

    #49     Aug 31, 2010
  10. achilles28


    Haha. You've have NO CLUE whats coming down the pipeline. NONE. You supervise illegals who scrub toilets in some ratty dime-store lunchroom. Oh, but you know a thing or two about the economy!!! LOL Just wait, dipshit. 2008 was nothing.

    As far as Canada, no, Canada will go right over the cliff after the United States. We're all tied to America. I just have the wherewithal and grey matter to buy a lifeboat off this sinking ship. You don't even know we hit an iceberg. Make sure the bathroom crew buff out those urinals real good for tomorrow ! I wanna see myself shine through the urinal cakes !! :D Oh. And make sure they call you, 'SIR'!! lol
    #50     Aug 31, 2010