Imma Start A Riot!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Geraldo Rivera has just predicted there will be no riots. Given his track record we should expect the riot of the century. Burn baby burn.
    #11     Jul 13, 2013
  2. fhl


    One guy out as a volunteer to help watch the neighborhood and prevent crime.

    The other guy out to score some blunt and purple drank.

    Guess which one the left thinks should have just stayed at home that night.

    Why does anyone wonder why the US is going down the tubes.
    #12     Jul 13, 2013
  3. pspr


    Just look at that kid here in Texas who was playing an online game and made a joke that he was going to shoot up a school and even said it was a joke in the comment.

    He has been in jail since last fall and some anonymous person just put up $500,000 so he could be bailed out. How can they do this to a kid telling a joke and not do it to all those murderous blacks making serious comments online?
    #13     Jul 13, 2013