I'm Voting for John Edwards.......

Discussion in 'Politics' started by flytiger, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. Sam321


    Edwards sucks. He’s not even presidential. But the media promotes him because people trained in Journalism get orgasms over metrosexuals and girly men.
    #11     Jan 27, 2007
  2. There were some articles out of NC when he ran for VP about how his neighbors hate his guts. when he'd jog, they'd give each other the finger. I guess he did what he wanted to his property without regard for his neighbors, or some shit. Who knows. But his personality when he's not on is very telling.

    another praised him as a hero. from memory, he got an 18 mm verdict for this girl maimed in a car crash, held out and won 25 mm and they made him out as a hero. 1., if he lost, he's still rich. 2. How much of the 7 did he get to keep? Isn't it like 40 per cent?

    How the fuck do you take those kind of fees from disabled people? I know, they're trained that way, and they'll argue they are worth it. But everyone else looks at them as whores. You want somebody like that as President? I don't think even Clinton charged Lewinski?
    #12     Jan 27, 2007
  3. He couldn't carry his home state. He no doubt would have been defeated if he had run for reelection to the Senate. He is purely a creation of the left wing media, both in NC and nationally. You could pick people at random from the ET roster and they would be at least as qualified to be President.
    #13     Jan 27, 2007
  4. Arnie


    I think Edwards' running is just for leverage. He has no intention of going all the way. Just watch.
    #14     Jan 28, 2007
  5. Help me with that, Arne. What do you mean?

    I think I sorta understand. I don't think he really believes he can win.
    #15     Jan 28, 2007
  6. Arnie


    Maybe he's looking for the VP slot. Some think that's why Mark Warner withdrew so early.....so he'd have a shot at VP. I think Edwards is just taking a different tack. Maybe that's why Edwards feels he HAS to run, so he can have some bargaining power. You have to understand that Hillary has a huge lead in money. She is the party's favorite. I doubt anyone coud catch her in terms of money.
    #16     Jan 28, 2007
  7. The news is picking this up. Edwards is running on an "anti poverty" platform.

    I guess the developers and construction guys were teetering on the poverty line, and John wanted to help them out.

    Can you believe this bullshit? You are the anti poverty candidate, and you build a ne w mansion.

    They think we're all idiots.
    #17     Jan 30, 2007
  8. #18     Jan 30, 2007
  9. Back to Story - Help
    Edwards takes heat over lavish estate By MIKE BAKER
    Wed Feb 7, 2:57 PM ET

    Two homes, two images, one candidate.

    Democrat John Edwards, who has made an anti-poverty message the theme of his 2008 presidential campaign, is taking heat for the lavish home he has constructed in Orange County, N.C.

    In December, Edwards chose the modest backyard of a New Orleans woman who had lost her home to Hurricane Katrina as the image that best underscored his campaign theme.

    Now voters are seeing another, sharply contrasting image of Edwards: his own home.

    Sitting on 102 secluded acres — surrounded by trees and defended by no-trespassing signs — the 28,000-square-foot estate that Edwards and his family call home has presidential privacy.

    A main home has five bedrooms and six-and-a-half baths. It's connected by a covered walkway to a bright red addition known as "The Barn," that includes its own living facilities along with a handball court, an indoor pool and an indoor basketball court with a stage at one end. Nearby, the family has cleared space for a soccer field.

    With a current building value of $4.3 million, the unfinished Edwards estate is already about $1 million more expensive than any other house in the county, according to tax records. It sits on land worth about $1.1 million.

    Edwards first purchased the land in 2004, during his failed run as vice president. He recently sold his mansion in Washington's tony Georgetown neighborhood for $5.2 million.

    Edwards, a former trial lawyer who made millions before winning a seat in the Senate representing North Carolina, has faced criticism regarding the estate. It also has become the subject of late-night jokes.

    "Well, I think we know which America he's living in," Jay Leno quipped on NBC's "Tonight Show," a riff of Edwards' frequent mention of the "two Americas" — one for the wealthy and one for the poor.

    Monty Johnson, a neighbor whose property sits directly across from the Edwards tract, recently posted a "Go Rudy Giuliani 2008" sign just 100 feet from Edwards' driveway.

    "The home is a monster. It's way over the top," Johnson said. "There's no way that a normal family could ever need a house like that. It's only going to hurt him. I don't think he's going to be able to sell his story that he's for the poor people."

    Laurin Easthom, a Democrat and town council member in nearby Chapel Hill, said Edwards has earned the right to build a large home.

    "I see somebody who has come from a very humble background and with really hard work has gotten to the point where he is," Easthom said. "He's out there trying to do some good, and he's giving back both financially and by what he plans to do through his campaign."

    Jennifer Palmieri, an Edwards adviser, dismissed the brouhaha as of little interest to voters.

    But political consultant Bill Miller said the lavish estate could become a sore point for the candidate.

    "Anything that appears to be extravagant or over the top is not the best card to play when you're running for president — especially when you're trying to differentiate yourself the way John Edwards is," said Miller, who has worked closely with the Republican Party.

    After introducing their new home on her husband's campaign Web site, Elizabeth Edwards explained the couple had taken special precautions to make the house energy efficient — keeping in line with Edwards' environmental platform. But she spent the next week battling blog-based critics who wanted to discuss the building's size — and she suggested that one posting on the campaign's Web site may have come from a Republican or a rival Democrat.

    "Did it come from the right? Did it come from another campaign? I have no idea," Elizabeth Edwards wrote. "What I do know is that it is no news bulletin that John and I have money. It is no news bulletin that he earned every cent."

    Edwards and his wife live in the house with their two young children, Emma Claire, 8, and Jack, 6. Their older daughter, Cate, is a student at Harvard Law School.

    Many of the other 2008 contenders also own expensive homes. New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and husband Bill, the former president, own two homes: a Dutch Colonial house in Chappaqua, N.Y., that they purchased for $1.7 million in 1999, and a Washington home that went for $2.9 million in 2001.

    On the GOP side, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the founder of venture capital and investment firm Bain Capital, owns three homes. Arizona Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) also owns real estate worth millions of dollars.


    On the Net:

    John Edwards: http://www.johnedwards.com

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    #19     Feb 8, 2007