I'm a democrat, but let's vote out Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bond_trad3r, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. BSAM


    Ricci, Ricci, Ricci...that's tooooo liberal, dude.
    #11     Jun 24, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    I love that quote, but I don't think it's Churchill's despite him often being credited for it.
    #12     Jun 24, 2011
  3. If you have a brain, you realize that "liberal" (socialist) policies arent so merciful or gracious for the recipients...

    #13     Jun 24, 2011
  4. I'm not impressed with any of the candidates actually. I would be a Ron Paul supporter but I think he's a closet racist.

    However, Obama should still be voted out. Even if he is the most qualified and smartest of the bunch, he does need a reminder that he serves at the pleasure of the people, not the other way around.

    I disagree with too many of his policies and he has not delivered on the issues that are important to me, only given lip service.
    #14     Jun 24, 2011
  5. Lucrum


    Me neither.
    #15     Jun 24, 2011
  6. Might as well list my beliefs

    DREAM Act
    Repeal of Patriot Act
    Low Taxes
    Pro Life
    An aggressive U. S. Space Program
    End to wars in Afganhistan & Iraq
    End to U. S. Involvement in Lybia (I support outing the crazy dictator that kills his people but this is really an arab world issue plus we have failed and no end in sight to this war)
    Jobs and economic growth having a larger priority than other federal initiatives
    Infrastructure investment in cities
    Mass Transit (subways in NY where people will use it) but not High Speed Rail (like in Florida which is just political and no one there wants except a few union gordos)
    End of war on drugs - legalize and tax the shut out of it
    Less government red tape
    A President that does not exceed his Costitutional Authortity
    Bill Clinton (Clinton is my favriote Democrat, he abandoned Hillarycare when he realized there was not enough support to rahm it down peoples throats, US Space Program was great, no major wars, a focus on Economic growth and jobs. He moved to the center and defeated the Republicans at their own game. Lots of mass transit investment, decent immigration levels, and he enjoys a good blow job from an intern like any other red blooded American. He was a man.)

    Y'all are free to callme crazy but at least now you know where I stand.
    #16     Jun 24, 2011
  7. I'm on an iPhone, so please forgive my misspellings and typos.
    #17     Jun 24, 2011
  8. So true! The problem is lobbying takes serious capital. The middle class can't fork over that much cash, neither can the lower class. So guess who gets the biggest say in politics? The uber-rich! Both dems and reps are the puppets of Old Wealth.
    #18     Jun 24, 2011
  9. That includes 99% of the rest of the political-class in D.C.
    #19     Jun 24, 2011
  10. Good list.

    Don't you love typing on the Iphone ;) the iphone spell correct is my favorite.
    #20     Jun 24, 2011