Illegal Alien Who Killed Kate Steinle Found Not Guilty Of Murder

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Are you certain of that? If that is true, then the jury absolutely screwed up in giving a full acquittal.
    #21     Dec 1, 2017
  2. gwb-trading


    "A California jury acquitted Zarate of the more serious charges in the case, including murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon -- only convicting him of being a felon in possession of a firearm."
    #22     Dec 1, 2017

  3. We hear you. Kate Steine deserved this for being white.
    #23     Dec 1, 2017
  4. Tom B

    Tom B

    Not just manslaughter,
    Involuntary manslaughter.
    #24     Dec 1, 2017
  5. A complete travesty of justice, but it is San Francisco, so finding a jury willing to convict an illegal was always going to be problematic. Hand slap for murder. Message is clear. Murder is a misdemeanor in San Francisco if you're an illegal.
    #25     Dec 1, 2017
  6. fhl


    Maybe there's the possibility the prosecutors, since this is San Francisco, overcharged on purpose. Who knows when you're dealing with these people.
    #26     Dec 1, 2017

  7. No, it is about San Francisco upping its game as a sanctuary city and culture. Not only do they not want illegals deported, they do not want them convicted of anything either, because that would be racist and not multicultural.
    #27     Dec 1, 2017
    MoneyMatthew and Tom B like this.
  8. Buy1Sell2


    Your surprise reveals an extremely shallow channel of contemplation and reflection. This is not the only topic that this has been demonstrated on. Rather it is a nearly full blanket assessment of the myriad of postings that have been delivered to us from your domicile.
    #28     Dec 1, 2017
    MoneyMatthew likes this.

  9. Correct. We often hear about cases where the defendant allegedly cannot get a fair trial in a certain city so they want a change in venue. However, there are often cases where the prosecution cannot get a fair trial in a certain city. Look no further than this case for an example.
    #29     Dec 1, 2017
    Tom B likes this.
  10. gwb-trading


    I was listening to some crap on the news where some commentator was stating we should not really be concerned with Jose Ines Garcia Zarate's immigration status but welcome him and all undocumented immigrants with open arms.

    Bullshiat. If the U.S. wants more immigrants then certainly an unemployable, uneducated, drug using repeat felon would not be on this list of acceptable immigrants. If the immigrant was a hard-working, law abiding construction worker with limited education I would be saying the opposite.
    #30     Dec 1, 2017