If you've made it in trading (10+ million), what would you rather buy in terms of real estate?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by NoEmotionTrader, Oct 19, 2019.

  1. One big house in a low tax location i.e. Andorra or multiple apartments around the world?
  2. Bugenhagen


    As you become tax resident in many countries after say 185 days in a year, many rotate between 2-3 countries until they know what they want.
    easymon1 likes this.
  3. Overnight


    "If you've made it in trading (10+ million)..."

    For me, that's it, there is no further action needed, no further gains to be had.

    10 million. If you had 10 million free and clear in the bank, would that not be enough? What more do you need?

    Nothing. You do not NEED anything beyond that. If you feel you do, then you need a dog who needs it too.

  4. newwurldmn


    Urban story:

    Journalist is sitting next to a hedge fund manager at an industry dinner. She says to him, “why do you keep doing this? If I had a hundred million dollars, I would retire.”
    Hedge fund manager replies, “that’s why you will never have a hundred million dollars.”
    orbit23 and Banjo like this.
  5. volente_00


    Rentals in a college based town is a viable strategy
    Theo1 likes this.
  6. Theo1


    and later with that rent you can take a house as well.
  7. mlawson71


    Apartments. Also real estate that can be rented to others.