If Your Kids Are Fat The State Will Put Them In Foster Care.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by silver914, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. pspr


    The state shouldn't be in the business of policing families for fat kids.

    But, it will soon be coming to America under ObamaCare.
    #11     Sep 8, 2011
  2. Not a disease. It may be called that so that the medical industry can convince people they need to treat it with expensive drugs, but it's not a disease. It's caused by VERY low levels of neurotransmitters. Seratonin, for example, is responsibile for regulating sweet cravings and balancing mood in the front part of the brain. Dopamine is responsible for "saying when" while eating; among other things. Low levels of both of these would show very abnormal brain activity with sugar as you said. You can imagine the impact that would have on one's weight. The body is screaming "Give me sweets!" and "I'm not going to tell you when to stop." It's no more a disease than scurvy which is a SYMPTOM of a vitamin C DEFICIENCY. Addiction to food or sweets is just a symptom of neurotransmitter deficiencies.

    #12     Sep 8, 2011
  3. Lucrum


    I think we have a statist in our midst.
    #13     Sep 8, 2011
  4. post of the year.
    #14     Sep 8, 2011
  5. the1


    People with addictions are still held accountable for their actions. If you get a DUI you go to jail: accountability, period. However, in this case the state fed these people foods that would guarantee they would not lose weight. They never even had a fighting chance. The obese people should be held accountable for feeding their children improper foods but the state is equally to blame for doing the exact same thing. There's no mention of a balance between healthy carbs, healthy fats, and healthy proteins -- the building blocks of life. These people were fed saturated fats and starch. That's a perfect recipe for obesity. This social program should be disbanded immediately.

    For crying out loud, these people were allowed to feed their kids "sweets on weekends." That's like saying it's ok to be a weekend drunk but not during the week. Complete and total abstinence is the only way.

    #15     Sep 8, 2011
  6. As schizo said its the Daily Fail and they frequently manage to make the weather scandalous. Not sure what to make of this story though I have to add that for a local authority to take kids into care is a major step these days (it used to be much more common). The simple fact that the kids cannot participate in normal school activities due to size and weight pretty much says it all.
    #16     Sep 8, 2011