If you want to lose fat (for real)

Discussion in 'Trading' started by illiquid, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Crispy


    My only snack food are peanuts in the shell. No salt or flavor. Or mixed nuts, same way. No salt or flavoring.

    I am 39 years old, 6 feet tall and 190lbs.Def not ripped but in fine shape. I have low cholesterol and I wear 33 or 32 size pants, brand dependent. And I do sit on my ass all day pretty much. A little yardwork, surfing and playing with my kids is about the extent of my exercise.

    I mostly credit nuts with my metabolism and physique.

    Oh, And the only dairy and sugar I have is my am coffee. Guess thats major also.
    #11     Jul 25, 2011
  2. Shirak


    great thread. our physical health is paramount to our mental health.

    Eating frequent and regular meals also helps. Just found out about that.
    #12     Jul 25, 2011
  3. I dropped 25 lbs in the last 33 days and I did it all through getting the proper nutrition (FINALLY!). I have never been able to drop weight like this and I actually have a big increase in overall energy level (using a low cost super nutritionals meal replacement system). Once your body starts to get the proper nutrition each day natural weight loss is the immediate effect (with all the obvious benefits of weight loss to all functions of your body).
    #13     Jul 25, 2011
  4. the1


    Precisely but I don't necessarily agree with your numbers. It has to be tailored to the individual person but a combo of fat (omega 3's), carbs and protein is the key, <b>at every meal</b>

    For anyone who is interested google the Zone Diet. It's not a diet, however -- it's a way of life.

    #14     Jul 25, 2011
  5. this isnt rocket science. Find your BMR eat 500 calories under that and you'll lose weight. simple as that. Of course exercise, aerobic and anaerobic would help. Also, fork put downs and plate push aways would also help.
    #15     Jul 25, 2011
  6. Stok


    You need to find your maintenance which is BMR + TEE (total energy expenditure). BMR is if you laid in bed all day sleeping. My BMR is about 1800...but with being alive and going into office and sitting on my butt all day...my maintenance is about 2150. Then add in cardio/gym (activity factor) to get an average maintenance, then -500 calories off that.
    #16     Jul 25, 2011
  7. the1


    You guys are missing the point. There are many ways to lose weight but if you follow the Zone Diet you will lose weight and prevent disease. The Zone Diet is an anti-inflammatory diet. Think about how many diseases end with "itis." That is inflammation of of some part of your body and the beginning of the disease process. The Zone Diet prevents this process from starting but it requires a customized balance of fats, carbs, and proteins depending on your weight and height.

    The best part about this diet is if you follow it religiously you will never be hungry. No cravings for those ice cream sandwiches in the freezer of those Sun Chips in the cabinet. Anything that contains High Fructose Corn Syrup or Trans Fat should be avoided.

    While we're on that topic don't be fooled by the label. If a product contains less than 0.5 trans fat per serving it can be labeled as having no trans fat. You have to read the ingredients. Avoid anything that says "Partially Hydrogenated" or "Hydrogenated." There is no safe level of trans fat because your body doesn't recognize it as a fat and can't digest it. It either comes out the back end or accumulates in your arteries over time.

    Edit: If you want to see the difference between a trans fat and a natural fat the next time you go to the grocery store pick up a jar of Jiffy (or other brand) peanut butter and compare it to a jar of Smuckers Natural peanut butter. The fat in the Natural jar will be floating at the top while the Jiffy's will not. The reason hydrogenated fats are so attractive is because the don't separate from water. We all know Oil and Water don't mix. Not true with the hydrogenated. It's a man made chemical that will literally kill you.
    #17     Jul 25, 2011
  8. MKTrader


    Nope. The whole calorie counting thing is full of holes. I mean, it probably works to an extent for an unhealthy person who would otherwise snack all day, but it's much more complicated. In addition, very few people can really stick to low-calorie diets for the long-term.

    It's better to eat healthy fats, enough protein, fiber-rich resistant starches and just avoid sugar/processed food (which increase your appetite). The book The Obesity Epidemic: What Caused It? How Can We Stop It? demolishes the idea that it's all about cutting calories (regardless of food quality). Not all calories are equal, and your body treats different foods very differently.
    #18     Jul 25, 2011
  9. RAY


    The Truth Spoken.
    #19     Jul 25, 2011


    Greetings Again All,

    I had to grin while I read the variety of answers and responses here on the weight/fat loss topic. I was reminded of my early days of trading, when I didn't know who or what to believe due to the vast amount of conflicting and opposing views. I also was reminded of the sheer joy that I felt as, after many years of struggling I finally found "My Answer" to "My Trading Problem".

    Well, it turns out that I believe you folks here have helped me to see the light to "My Weight Problem" as well. Just like when I found my trading answer, this answer too became abundantly clear in my mind after reading your varied responses. Once again, just like the trading problem, this answer too is all to simple:

    "Find something that you like to do, something that is easy for you to do, and something that produces the desired results, and keep doing that something over and over again."

    Thanks gentlemen for helping me to see the light...again.
    #20     Jul 25, 2011