if you passed 30 and still didn't jot trading down, forget it, missed the train

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by mushimushi, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Same guy, different alias, new lies :D

    #51     Mar 26, 2009
  2. I loved calling him a piece of shit. It was cathartic. :cool:
    #52     Mar 26, 2009
  3. Mr J

    Mr J

    I assume you're just looking to start an argument.
    #53     Mar 26, 2009
  4. eagle


    I don't think he is looking for an argument, but for hobby I guess. He doesn't seem to be brave enough in showing himself up for whom really is. I have provoked him to show up but he is hiding instead. :D

    #54     Mar 26, 2009
  5. ljmlmvlhk

    ljmlmvlhk Guest

    I wont respond back negatively to this.

    I started trading around 40, now coming on 59 yo

    One reason ‘oldies’ can make it is when they get to this age they have most things off their hands, eg paying mortgages and raising kids.

    Also, they know time is running out, ( to make big coin working as an employee) so they can become very focused and dedicated.

    IMO, being focused and not having too many distractions is game over in this business.

    That’s something you young guys generally don’t have, time to sit still for long hours and concentrate without distractions.

    When I was young, chasing women and seeing the world was one of my main preoccupations, not anymore, been there, done that.

    Wishing you luck and serenity.
    #55     Mar 26, 2009
  6. Banff01


    Very spot on post! I would say that these are the primary reasons why it takes young traders a lot longer to succeed. Older trader is most likely already content with who he is and what he wants in life while a young person has too much to prove and his expectations are too unrealistic. Until one wakes up from that, calms down and learns humility it's too damn hard to perform at the required level.

    For some it maybe a short journey but for others it's a neverending voyage.

    Good trading to everyone.
    #56     Mar 26, 2009