If you just received 5 million dollars

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Kevmeister, May 12, 2003.

  1. dbphoenix


    Who says they are? The poor like to believe that the rich are unhappy, but it isn't so. As a group, they're no unhappier than anybody else. But they eat better.
    #31     May 13, 2003
  2. Yup... much of this garbage is just the have-nots way
    of making themselves feel better.
    Nothing but a self defense mechanism.



    #32     May 13, 2003
  3. In other words, * Time is more important than money* :D
    #33     May 13, 2003
  4. No huge house... or fancy car. But I would try to pull off a Thomas Crown caper with no one getting hurt. That's always been my fantasy; including the beautiful blonde! Talking here about the real one... McQueen/Dunaway!

    #34     May 13, 2003
  5. Agreed.
    #35     May 13, 2003
  6. What is your free time worth to you?

    Everyone has their own equilibrium between the utility of their free time and the utility of financial security. My free time happens to be worth much more than a 9-6, 90k a year existence. Be free, then rich, not vice versa. Just my .02.

    I couldn't even conceive of this lifestyle when I was grinding 9-5, and now I can't conceive of how I worked for someone else for so long. Wealth will mean more to me when I've built it from the ground up, than having it handed to me for doing someone else's work. Did you know America has scrapped 20 work holidays since 1970? I think it's a mostly an American notion that you need exceptional wealth to have a good life.
    #36     May 13, 2003
  7. Jim Donahue?? In Denver?

    If so, she had a lot of company. If it was ten years ago or more, he would be my bet. I met the guy. Actually tried to do business with him. But after spending 5 minutes in his office I knew he was so crooked he could hide behind a corkscrew.

    (Donahue was big...but man, there were a LOT of scumbags in Denver. Meyer Blinder comes to mind. For a "small" city Denver seems to have had an outstanding percentage of crooked "investment" scam artists)

    #37     May 13, 2003
  8. dbphoenix


    This is one of those epiphanies that one must reach if he is to make any progress toward financial security. The rich didn't get rich by throwing their money away. If they had thrown it away, they wouldn't have any. Duh!

    The rich are rich because they manage their money well. This is true even with inherited wealth, which can rarely last through more than a generation of mismanagement.
    #38     May 13, 2003
  9. Exactly. My friend always complains about how greedy
    his landlord is, and how incredibly tight the landlord
    is with his money. He can't comprehend why someone
    worth millions is so tight with his money.

    I tell him he has it backwards. He is worth millions

    Live well below your means.



    #39     May 13, 2003
  10. DHOHHI


    I don't think you can put a price tag on free time. And another benefit of trading is one can choose where they want to live ... and not be living in a place due to the job being there. I think ones surroundings also impacts their overall happiness. And then, the commute down the hall beats the heck out of driving in rush hour traffic day after day. It's "benefits" like these that motivate me to stay focused on success in trading so that I'll never have to go back to the corporate grind.
    #40     May 13, 2003