If you had 30,000$ and 3 months...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by joeb, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. joeb


    If you had 30,000$ spare change and 3 months of completely free time, after which you had to take on a full time job...

    What would YOU do...

    Thanks for your input.

    (For the curious: I've just been made redundant and got a good exit package, found another job which starts in 3 months. I have no debt and a thirst for adventure. There is little limit to what I would consider)
  2. olias


    I would recommend Thailand, but I'm not sure it's the best time of year to be in that area with the weather. You could cetainly stretch your $30,000 though.

    Whatever you do, I would love to hear about it. Maybe when you wrap up your vacation you could post a recap of your adventures on here.

    I always wanted to go to Tokyo, come to think of it...
  3. you can buy a DECENT used 'double-wide' down southern way for 30K'ish.

    PM me! ijust happen to know where one can be found.

    motivated seller!