If you don't like this you are an iredeemable leftard

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Good1, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Good1


    Trump 2020!!!

    (90% viewers who liked this also like Trump)
  2. [​IMG]
  3. Bugenhagen


    Whats better than 2020?

    Trump in Infrared!

    "Freedom gas"
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2019
  4. Snarkhund


  5. Ohhh, I hope those stars and stripes are not from a Betsy Ross flag.

    Disgusting. Take that off immediately!!!

    I can help.

  6. Overnight


    If you don't like this, yer an irredeemable right-tard who is trying to make a political statement in a very wrong way.

    Optionpro007 likes this.
  7. Overnight


    If you do not like this, you're retarded, because you MUST be a libtard, because you do not like Russian lesbians. Or is that a conservative thing?

    Bugenhagen likes this.
  8. Cuddles


    begging for likes? Pathetic like your messiah.
  9. Maybe you lefterrhoids can post those pee-pee tapes with Trump and the Russian girls in them.

    Those are available now right?

    We used to get hourly updates on those from you tard-rhoids.

    But not so much lately. I guess Mueller kept them for his personal and private viewing. What a dog.
  10. [​IMG]
    #10     Oct 2, 2019
    Dr. Love likes this.