If you could live anywhere

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Bogan7, May 25, 2007.

  1. TM1


    #11     May 25, 2007
  2. Allaces


    #12     May 25, 2007
  3. Some inspiration for some of you looking for real estate prices around the world:


    I find that NZ and AU are a _LOT_ cheaper than FL or CA in the US. Dirt cheap almost in comparison, even with the weak USD. Shows just how much the US real estate prices have blown out of proportion compared to the rest of the world.
    #13     May 25, 2007
  4. No japanese crims so what nationality are the Yakuzu are they gypsies?
    #14     May 25, 2007
  5. Allaces


    Yakuza are very organised and not visible in society.. but the recent trend of young Japanese crims is a different matter. Even when I was there the kids were a foot taller than their parents because of the inclusion of beef in the diet with McDonalds KFC etc.. but not all western influence is a good thing, a woman could walk home at 1 in the morning by herself back then.. not anymore
    #16     May 25, 2007
  6. Mate can you be a little less flag waving Australia is great I live here to but it ISNT the only place. Dont forget we have our probs too including virulent racism, a bogan culture high, skin cancer rates a bigoted PRIME Minister. crap time for tading the US markets.
    #17     May 25, 2007
  7. I second Perth/ Margaret River area of West Oz. It has the wine country like Cal, deserted beaches for thousands, yes thousands, of miles, and Perth is about the perfect size (approx 1 million).

    The sailing, windsurfing, kiteboarding culture there is really cool too.

    Problem is, unless you are an Aussie, ya need two homes. After 6 months ya get the boot.
    #18     May 25, 2007
  8. You think just because they are behind the scenes its alright they still prey on the more vulnerable people in society not to mention the rubbish tattos they have.
    #19     May 25, 2007
  9. Allaces


    Err no thats not what i said, I was explaining why someone might not think Japan has any crime.. jeez your a defensive little prick Bogan.. did you live there for 2 years?
    #20     May 25, 2007