If this was a typical week would this be worth while or not.

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by gpstrade, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. gpstrade


    If this was a typical week would this be worth while or not
    Trade NYSE, NASDAQ stocks
    Price range stock $9 to $90
    Daily average volume greater then 1 million shares
    10-30 trades week
    $5 to $10 dollars profit week (100 shares =$500 to $1000 week)
  2. Need more detail. I can't really figure out what this means -

    "10-30 trades week
    $5 to $10 dollars profit week (100 shares =$500 to $1000 week)"

    I could guess but....
  3. gpstrade


    Each day you bought a stock and the price was $20 and when you sold it that day it was $20.50 and this happened 2-5 time each day.
  4. It would be worth my time to trade for $1000 a week.