"If there were no God, there would be no atheists

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. What's the difference between someone that talks to his unicorn and someone that prays to their god?

    Which one gets locked up?

    #51     Dec 9, 2009
  2. fhl


    Oh, you mean like that proof that one species evolved from another, even though the fossil records for it are invisible. I got ya.

    Or maybe like another of your facts. That one about inorganic matter springing to life all by itself, but, again the proof is in the closet and no-one can see it. Yeah.

    And yes, you people actually do, as you said above, use these facts in every discussion whether or not the <s>talking dog in your closet</s> facts of evolution even exist.

    I think I finally understand you people now.

    Thanks :D
    #52     Dec 9, 2009
  3. have people like you ever thought about getting educated in a science like archeology or geology and actually finding evidence that would refute the toe? so far in 150 years the brightest of the bible thumpers who fight every piece of evidence that science finds to support the toe have failed to find a single piece of evidence that would falsify the toe.
    it should be so simple. just find one fossil in the geologic column where it should not be.
    #53     Dec 9, 2009
  4. Ricter


    Some atheists want everyone to acknowledge that there are no gods.

    There are people, believers and unbelievers, at work on curing cancer, and the fruits of their efforts are being used by the vast majority of people, most of whom believe in some kind of creator, so that's basically a wash.

    I believe both camps have a lunatic fringe.
    #54     Dec 9, 2009
  5. we only ask that you be intellectually honest and follow the evidence where ever it leads. is that so hard?
    #55     Dec 9, 2009
  6. Yes, but which fringe wishes to impose more intrusive legislation? Which fringe wishes to hold back life altering medical science and progress? Which fringe has historically been behind mankind's most horrific atrocities? This invisible doggy-in-the-closet has a mean bite.
    #56     Dec 9, 2009
  7. Ricter


    Ok, don't refer to me on this, but to answer your question... no, I, the Devil's advocate, will not accept a request to use evidence, as defined by science, to evaluate the scientific worldview. I, and many others, feel that there is something more to reality than, "nothing but, nothing but". That you do not feel it also is immaterial, because we continue to feel it. Yes, yes, we could also feel the presence of undetectable talking mushrooms. But, we don't.
    #57     Dec 9, 2009
  8. how about the camp that believes in Zeus. is that lunatic fringe or ...
    #58     Dec 9, 2009
  9. Ricter


    How about the purely scientific, social Darwinists and other social engineers? No pesky God messing up their clear thinking.
    #59     Dec 9, 2009
  10. Feelings play an important ancillary role in many of life's decisions. However, if you have ever tried trading the markets on feelings alone, you would know how deceptive those feelings can be. If you ever tried making important life decisions on feelings alone, you know how badly such decisions can turn out. So why, then, would you base your view of the universe and reality on essentially feelings alone?
    #60     Dec 9, 2009