If there is a terror attack

Discussion in 'Trading' started by trader963, Dec 23, 2002.

  1. on Cristmas what will happen? Should I short 100 shares of the qqq because of terror risk or should i but 100 shares? How much money can i make if i buy them?
  2. qdz


    Do you wish this to happen if it can make you tons of money?

  3. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    You can't buy any shares. You only have a roll of nickles. I guess school must have let out.:)
  4. KavMan


    100 shares pfff
    You have to wait till it goes up or down $1 to make $100
    That's not even after comission and tax
    Wait till you can buy at least 1000 shares before buying qubes n00b

    LOL :D
  5. qdz


    KavMan, what makes you make such comment in this thread?

    Moderators, please delete the off-topic insults.


  6. KavMan



    Can you even buy 100 shares of QQQ?
    Instead of complaining all the time, earn that $25,000 then you can daytrade :eek:
  7. Oh boy..here goes QDZ again about the PDT....Hi o should be here any minute now!:D

  8. Yo buss dis. Can I buy de futures?
  9. qdz


    TM_Direct, what you said to me has no ground. I said no PDT in this thread until now. Since you bring it up, I have no problem to follow. The PDT rule sucks.

    As for the original topic, my point is this. It's okay to consider hedging during sensitive time or any time. But it is not okay to wish for a disaster, or even worse, knowing a disaster going to happen, but not preventing it, but taking advantage of it.


  10. qdz


    What did you say? I have difficulty to understand. Futures, yes, you can use futures to hedge other positions.


    #10     Dec 23, 2002