If the US collapses what happens to stock ownership?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by noob_trad3r, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. You are one sinister indifuckinvidual my man!
    #21     Oct 7, 2009
  2. jprad


    I agree that there's always going to be someone better armed then you.

    But, I completely disagree on your last point, a gun is not more valuable than food and water.

    Excluding robbery at gunpoint, or tank barrel, someone who has plenty of food and water will gladly trade some for guns. However, if their supplies are sparse, no way.
    #22     Oct 7, 2009
  3. then there would be hell and many people would surely be hounding for my blood given i am a minority. I will definitely be prepared for ethnic pogroms

    personally i will stock up on guns, ammo and alcohol:D
    #23     Oct 7, 2009
  4. Definitely.
    Generally, yes, this is true. However, please note that you're qualifying it by saying:
    A ) IF if the company is stable...
    B ) IF it survives the collapse.

    To this list we might want to add two additional qualifiers:
    C ) IF your broker is still in business (because he is the one who holds your stock in a street name),
    D ) IF the company won't print another 100,000,000,000 shares, and thus dilute your ownership from 1% to 0.0001%, just to raise some cash, at your expense.
    #24     Oct 7, 2009
  5. The circumstance as described is chaos. Not only do I not exclude armed robbery I assume that within days it gets to shoot first and ask questions later.

    Again, I have no belief that any of this will happen. But, IF IT DOES HAPPEN, do not believe anyone will trade guns for food and water unless you have your own guns and can assure a trade that "clears regular way".

    Let me spell it out: The armed party against someone with only food and water ends up with it all -- food, water and the gun he walked in with. If you are lucky you end up with your life and then you go and look for your own gun.

    #25     Oct 7, 2009
  6. Half the world will die of the swine flu first.
    #26     Oct 7, 2009