If The Russians invaded the US to free the blacks would they be

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Oct 4, 2006.

Would the russians be viewed as liberators

  1. yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. no

    5 vote(s)
  1. Your statements are wrong. I don't know what else to tell you. By the way, the saying should be, "as bad or worse". Your statement will not get support from anyone in America from either political affiliation.

    I wonder how you come up with this stuff anyway. What history books have you read that support your ideas?
    #11     Oct 4, 2006
  2. The koran and al jazeera.

    'nuff said.

    #12     Oct 4, 2006
  3. drmarkan,in southern united states during the early 60's blacks were not allowed to walk into any bathroom,any store, and attend any school they want, regardless of race. That in the 1960's if a blackman in southern states whistled at a white woman, there wouldnt be dire consequences. In fact, if you were black, you were dehumanized and force to even go back of the bus. And are you telling me that segragation wasnt legal back then, that it wasnt sanctioned by the supreme court. That I just made up the quote seperate but equal. The united during the before the mid 1960's was a bad time for people other then white anglo saxons. Drmarkham, in the 1960's in the southern states, are you telling me if I were black, and I decide to go to a white only bar and hit on a white woman, I wouldnt be shot on sight, or worse.

    Heres a history lesson. Iraq was a bad,place. But it was one of the most secular states in the middleeast. woman didnt had to wear barkas, or anything. They could attend college. Compared to your allies the sauds it was paradise.

    #13     Oct 4, 2006
  4. The number of U.S. blacks who kill other U.S. blacks this year will not be significantly less than the number of Iraqis killed by each other!! Without looking I'd say around 10,000 black murders in America each year. Perhaps even a tad higher.
    #14     Oct 4, 2006
  5. Get off the drugs. Those incidents you describe were ultra rare and not sanctioned. Blacks have ALWAYS killed more whites than vica versa. Do you think blacks just started robbin', rapin' and murderin' in the past 50 years? Life isn't Song Of The South or Sounder. To this day a black can walk into most any neighborhood in America without reprisal. I dare a white person to stroll through Compton or Chicago's west side after midnight, let alone step into a bar checking out the 'ho's.

    #15     Oct 4, 2006
  6. ultranet


    where do u get this information.....
    #16     Oct 27, 2006
  7. Google it. Do some research:

    Last September, tribal leaders from Ramadi set up a force of 20,000 with assistance and supplies from the Iraqi and US governments.

    Tribal leader Sheik Fassal al-Guood said, "People are fed up with the acts of those criminals who take Islam as a cover for their crimes."

    The tribal leaders met and agreed to fight the terrorists or so called "freedom fighters", who are killing Sunni and Shiites, who are mostly Arab foreign fighters, who call themselves Mujahedeen and say they are fighting to "liberate" Iraq.

    These tribal leaders are smart enough to know that the US is not the enemy.

    These foreign Arabs only interest is to take control of the Iraqi government. That is the only way they know how to improve their lives.

    Why don't you go over to Iraq and become a freedom fighter and kill Sunni and Shiites like the other Foreign Arab "freedom fighters".
    #17     Oct 27, 2006
  8. As someone who has - ahem - quite a lot of background on Russia and Russians, I must say that this entire thread is in fantasy land. Russians are extremely racist and would not invade ANYwhere to "free" blacks.

    If you don't believe me, go ride the Moscow metro (preferably the brown "ring" line). And if you're not black, take a black man with you. See what happens.

    And incidently, anyone who uses the word "worser" needs to have their ET username deleted.
    #18     Oct 27, 2006
  9. Moron of the Year award.

    Stupid + Pedophile = mahram
    #19     Oct 27, 2006