If the left won... why are they such losers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Speaking of looking stupid.

    #31     Dec 8, 2012
  2. jem


    Mr. bill I appreciate your question.

    But it is far to early to tel.

    As I hinted earlier to me the most important issues are related to economics.

    I completely believe we are over taxed and more taxing hurts our GDP and our govt revenues. I believe the President advisor Romer is correct.

    But, I also know our economy adjusts.
    if it adjusts quickly the left will get away with this gdp destruction.
    If they do... I have no idea what the right will do.

    I suspect it wont matter... Hillary will run away with it.
    If they Obamacare and its taxes and we get even more taxes... I suspect we will go back into a recession... if it lasts long enough housing will re implode.

    At that point in time...

    The message will be lower flatter taxes and lower govt spending.
    If I were to run it would be simple.

    Capped spending.
    No borrowing.
    No income taxes
    Flat 15% corporate tax on anyone doing business here.
    And single payer with optional supplemental insurance.
    My message would be American businesses need to compete with the world and getting rid of their legacy health care will help.
    The drug companies will go nuts... but they will be selling drugs to the US health care system at much lower margins.

    But we also will not be paying for viagra or womens birth control and things of that nature.

    I will institute new guidelines which show that if you do not have supplemental insurance... we will create cutoffs.

    We will not be spending billions on premature babies who have limited survival rates. We will be giving 85 year olds free knee surgeries if a cain and some aspirin will do. etc.

    Will that message win.
    I doubt it... at first.... but it will someday... when are people are sick of inflation and handouts.

    I believe in small govt and equality of opportunity. I think a good politician could come up with a better plan but with the same point.

    lower taxes.. smarter and lower spending.
    #32     Dec 8, 2012
  3. jem


    how many fricken times did I say to you...
    that polls are designed to show how the people would vote at that time.

    I told you many times... polls dont really count as predictions until the day before the election.

    is that to hard for you to comprehend? still? wtf... right now you had a poll that hillary is in the lead. But is that a prediction she will win in 2016.
    I even think she might if the economy stagnates or improve... that that is not a prediction we are well aware situations change.

    What I kept arguing is that polls which were slanted plus 10 to plus 20 for dems were bullshit.

    I was correct... those early polls were ridiculous.
    But they did accomplish their crooked design did they not.
    #33     Dec 8, 2012
  4. Ricter


    Haha, nice.
    #34     Dec 8, 2012
  5. The results of the election show you dont know much about polls ,history and elections jem.Rather then arguing and continuing to defend a 6 month 500 page losing position take some time and educate yourself on the subject buddy
    #35     Dec 8, 2012

  6. :D :D :D
    #36     Dec 8, 2012
  7. Ricter


    Wow, Ayn Coulter's column. With enemies like her who needs friends?
    #37     Dec 8, 2012
  8. I'm watching the Paq/Marquez fight and they said Romney is ringside LOL !!!!!!

    Who would have thought Mitt was a boxing fan :eek:
    #38     Dec 8, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    Elite TRADER.com

    #39     Dec 9, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    Easily amused = simple minded. Or drunk.
    #40     Dec 9, 2012