If someone wants to check out -- LET THEM!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aphexcoil, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. #11     Sep 27, 2003
  2. Interesting statement. I guess everyone would rather pay less taxes. But how can you believe that "the left won't let the right get too crazy with religious nonsense"? How much control of the religious right does the "left" have (if any)?

    Yes, they can debate the issues and bring them to light. And yes, there will be a backlash of reason usually when things get out of hand. But nothing you can count on. So you are voting for candidates you really are against?

    I think I know what you mean GG, but here it seems like what you mean and what you say are different. Which is OK. Just as long as you want to say what you say more than what you mean. :confused: :confused:

    LOL (as you would say).

    Peace Brother GG.
    #12     Sep 27, 2003
  3. what i meant was.... for example, say republicans try to get prayer back in public school. you know the left and the ACLU will make it very difficult for them to do that.

    but like i said, i'm going to be voting libertarian now, anyway...unless an election is close, because i do prefer republicans over democrats.
    #13     Sep 27, 2003
  4. I know what you meant GG....I was just giving you a hard time.

    I agree with you in principal anyway. The only problem (as you pointed out) is that sometimes voting the way you want (like Libertarian) is just wasting a vote.

    Republicans seem to have a better and more sensible and reasonable grasp on many issues and Dems on many others. Really it is hard for a guy like me, and apparently you too, to just vote a party line (as many do). This is something I could never understand. No party is right about every single issue. But to read some of what we see here, you would have to come to the conclusion that in some people's eyes, their party is infallible on all issues. And their candidates and office holders are always in the right.

    If I were a registered and die hard Republican, there is no way I would be able to convince myself that Dubya is right about everything the way we hear from some of our esteemed ETers.

    No politicians can ever be as perfect and as infallible as AAA or Kymer seem to believe our President is. He has his strong points and his weaknesses. Just like all humans. And everyone makes mistakes. My problem with Dubya in particular is he seems never to just come right out and honestly admit to his miscalculations. Of which he has made many. I feel insulted that he considers the American people to be so easily fooled.

    I never ever thought any of our Presidents was "perfect". Regardless of their Party of their politics. Anyone who aspires to be President is inherently flawed IMO. We have been through this many times on ET. We had good guys that were bad Presidents. Bad guys that were good Presidents, etc. At least we don't have to be (or shouldn't be) concerned with whether they are good guys or bad. All we should be concerned about is if they serve us well. So when I keep hearing about how "bad" a guy Clinton was because he lied about sex, well it wears thin. No matter what a shithead he may have been as a person, his sexual transgressions did not affect us.

    And no matter how much of a "good guy" Jimmy Carter was, he just was not up to the job. Bush Sr.? Here is a guy that was too complicated to define as a "good guy" or a "bad guy". But the people spoke. And that is what will happen with his son. I personally think Dubya is a "good guy". But is he presidential material? Not to me.

    But can we come up with a better candidate? We couldn't last time. And that is a sad statement for us all.

    The only thing I cannot understand about YOUR politics is being registered as a Libertarian. This excludes you from voting in primaries of importance. But it is certainly your prerogative.

    #14     Sep 27, 2003
  5. maybe you missed this, from earlier in the thread:
    #15     Sep 27, 2003
  6. OK, sorry for the error. But the bottom line is the same. Whether you are registered as an Independent, or a Libertarian, it makes no difference. You STILL can't vote in the Dem or Rep primaries.

    So what do you do as far as making your voice heard when it comes to choosing Republican candidates ?

    You are registered as an Independent. You vote Libertarian, and you believe in the policies of the Republican party. So when you run for office, I guess you will run as a Democrat just to keep things fair and equal and interesting??? :):):confused:

    #16     Sep 27, 2003
  7. so what do i do then? not register as anything? years ago, i think i registered as independent, but i didn't really know what i was doing. i wouldn't say i'm in spirit a republican. i would say i'm in spirit a libertarian. however, if an election is close between a republican and a democrat, i'd vote republican as lesser of the two evils, imo. libertarian would still be where i most identify, though.

    i think libertarian is the best of both worlds. i totally love the libertarian way of thinking. what i like about republicans is their idea of lesser taxes and less social programs. but i don't like their strict controls of personal freedom. i like democrats because they seem more for personal freedom, but i dislike their desire for high tax and redistributing income, etc. a libertarian is a mix of the best of both, imo. a libertarian is for less taxation and less social programs, but is also strongly for personal freedoms. that is exactly who i am. i may not agree with all libertarian views, but i'm more libertarian than anything else.
    #17     Sep 27, 2003
  8. GG....nothing is permanent. If you registered a long time ago, so what? You can always change that. Just make sure you register in time to be eligible to vote in whatever primary elections you want to participate.

    This is interesting to me, because it sounds to me like your views are far too liberal to be Republican when it comes down to "the lesser of two evils".

    You sound like a "Kennedy Democrat" to me. Fiscally conservative, pro-military, and socially progressive (civil rights, general freedoms). Certainly you do not sound like a Rush Limbaugh conservative Republican. And today, Republicans are synonymous with "conservatism'.

    Maybe your political views are still just developing. I know mine still are, and I am twice your age. The world changes so why shouldn't our political perceptions? What seems right today may not make sense to us tomorrow.

    Realizing this is what contributes towards being more liberal. Not wanting change, or being able to adapt to change defines conservative Republicans to me. And this doesn't sound like you at all. Does it? What do you think?


    #18     Sep 27, 2003
  9. first of all, like i said, i consider myself to be mostly libertarian. i think libertarian is the best of the right and left combined.

    as for choosing republicans over democrats, i can give you an example... taxes change. banning violent movies doesn't seem to happen much, no matter what some republicans want.

    btw, i do like rush limbaugh. i don't agree with him on everything, but i like him.

    i am very much for personal freedom. i am not a liberal at all when it comes to taxes and social programs. i think i'm kind of like arnold schwarzenegger. he says he's fiscally conservative, but socially liberal--but he's running as a republican. i think i'm more libertarian than republican, though.
    #19     Sep 27, 2003
  10. Error 404, check out this thread: http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22212

    i took the quiz and i got the results i expected:

    NW-You would feel most at home in the Northwest region. You advocate a large degree of economic and personal freedom. Your neighbors include folks like Ayn Rand, Jesse Ventura, Milton Friedman, and Drew Carey, and may refer to themselves as "classical liberals," "libertarians," "market liberals," "old whigs," "objectivists," "propertarians," "agorists," or "anarcho-capitalist."

    from that same web site, it describes a libertarian as this (and i agree with it): http://www.politopia.com/region1.htm
    #20     Sep 27, 2003