If Market Action of Today and Past 2 Days Confuses You, Then You Are

Discussion in 'Trading' started by riskfreetrading, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. I want to make sure that people understand that I note the difference between occasional poking of fun and use of certain expressions and words. That I believe is acceptable, at least to me to take (I have taken it multiple times and it is fine), and sometimes to give as well with moderation and in context and certainly with no malicious intent. That sort of wording and behaviour maybe ok at ET when not overdone and not with an intent of mockery and insulting others, and with the understanding that it is trading talk among traders with honorable and fair minds. There are many of such folks at ET, but some small dead fish can make the whole pond stink. What is disturbing is that they disregard and lie about facts. So it is not inappropriate, I believe, to sanitize the waters from time to time.

    I thought therefore to remind a tiny gang and its leader that deadwood is no useful and most of the time ends in the garbage where it righly belongs, until it proves it is not deadwood and free of poision by facing the nice music of the market tick. It can still step up to the plate of the music of the market tick, and prove their worth in trading matters.

    I participate in ET not for these deadwoods, but to exchange with the good folks with the main objective to learn and share. Some of them sent PM notes, the last of which came in just few moments ago (The deadwood seem to assume that everyone except them lie and deceive. I want to point out that the quote is genuine and that I asked permission to quote it from the sender):

    "wrote on 04-23-08 04:20 PM:

    I've found your posts to be very helpful and I have really learned a lot, just from your postings alone. I've been trading for about 5 months, but only real for 2.

    What is your type of trading style (swing, day..), and what do you trade (stock, options...).

    I am a swing trader and I've found it extremely difficult to trade in these conditions. I've turned my 3-7 day trading style into 1-3 days.

    Just let me know what you think, I'd greatly appreciate it!!
    #31     Apr 23, 2008

  2. Keep shorting the market and getting your ass handed down to you.

    How much did you lose today is a better question, YES?
    #32     Apr 23, 2008

  3. Those days of shorting are gone. Look at the averages they are rising, price is above 50 day and forming a bull flag.

    Tech Earnings are blowing the doors
    #33     Apr 23, 2008
  4. We just dumped 20 points in Afterhours. (NQ for Tech right)

    We have spent five days at a resistance point that is below a massive downtrend line.

    Moving averages can tell you what happened, since we have rallied to resistance, of course they look bullish. Obviously, they can't tell you what will happen.

    Just as things rise, they fall.

    Bulls don't have a case unless we break the downtrend lines on daily on impressive volume, rally on sustained volume and pullback on declining volume.

    #34     Apr 23, 2008
  5. You have put your head twice in this, so I thought tp provide you with the following:

    1. You have eyes, you know how to read and count.Just pull the charts of today and of the past, and see what happened. Posts and threads are time-stamped, so you can cross check things. Check where was NDX when I started the thread, and what happened afterwards.

    2. If you want to see transcript, you have to pay for the privilege to see them. But tell me what you want to verify, and what is your price? I understand that you want to know whether I really put on a trade on the short side before I started the thread. Is that correct?

    3. Instead of acting the way you are acting, why do not you go to the forex trading area. I have been posting trades live on EUR/JPY (short) over the last 20 hours. You could have made more than 150 pips just following my trades. They are posted live. No need to show anything there, the ticker is live and you can take the opposite side of my trades if you please.

    A fellow there took my opposite side last night. It is fine, and we respect each other. The tick shows who is right on a given trade, but what is important is the overall statistic not a single trade. That is why I suggest that you check EUR/JPY thread, and there are many entries and exits just during the last 20 hours. You can check them while I still do not charge.
    #35     Apr 23, 2008
  6. One has to make a difference between tech the stocks and tech "the business". In addition one has to make a difference between investing and trading.

    I have long positions on my very long term investment accounts. But for trading, I do not think one should think in terms of bull or bear. That is the point in my first post on this thread. I would rather think as a trader, and focus on identification of supply and demand areas of stock. In other words, try to side with the winner all the time. One time period you are with bulls and another you are with bears.

    The bottom line is that you make money.

    Finally learn to spread/hedge/avoid traps. I hedged some short QQQQ position in after hours in case it opens higher tomorrow than is trading in after hours. If it opens higher than after hours of today, then my hedge will make money. If you ask how I did it, I shorted calls in the morning shortly before I started this thread, if I buy ome stock I reduce my exposure to the short side. Unless the market gaps up to a price way higher than the high of today, I will be doing well.
    #36     Apr 23, 2008
  7. Read the tick of QQQQ and IWM, and the time I started this thread. You should get the answer.
    #37     Apr 23, 2008
  8. I just want to make sure that people understand that I note the difference between a continuous pompous attitude of a certain poster who chooses to belittle all here that disagree with him, with childish remarks about people here not being traders or people losing all their money; with occasional poking of fun and the use of certain expressions and words. The mere fact that a certain poster who shall remain nameless believes his opinion of what is acceptable and what is malicious speaks volumes.

    That sort of wording and behavior maybe ok at ET when not overdone and not with an intent of mockery and insulting others. So long as he approves of it and it’s his understanding that’s it’s among those traders he deems honorable and he’s judged have fair minds. The internet boards are filled with many folks who he deems fair minded but a word of caution, do as he says not as he does, or risk being deemed being not of fair mind. If that’s the case then you’ll surely receive his mockery and foul language laced rants. (Please, don’t take my word for it just review the posts of these unnamed ET members and read some of the choice words and phrase which they use in common place). What I find disturbing is guys like the ones who shall remain nameless show utter disrespect to the whole board when then try to cover up their own behavior with half truths, omissions or outright lies. So it is not inappropriate, I believe, to sanitize the waters from time to time.

    I thought therefore to remind a tiny gang and its leader that deadwood is not useful and most of the time ends up in the garbage where it rightly belongs, until it proves it is not deadwood and free of poison by facing the nice music of the market tick. It can still step up to the plate of the music of the market tick, and prove their worth in trading matters.

    I participate in ET not for these deadwoods, but to exchange with the good folks with the main objective to learn and share. Some of them sent PM notes, the last of which came in just few moments ago (The deadwood seem to assume that everyone except them lie and deceive. I want to point out that the quote is genuine and that I asked permission to quote it from the sender):

    "wrote on 04-23-08 06:20 PM:

    I realize that most of these market type boards are like the old west. People roll into town and say all sorts of things about themselves while doing all they can to pad their fragile egos at the expense of everyone else. The fact they feel then need to start thread topics about trades they want you to truly believe they made but don’t create those threads until after the market has made its move is evidence of their weak nature.

    I just wanted to let you know that many people appreciate your biting wit and sarcasm even though it is probably lost on the intended audience. I wont ever see the point of why they go to such great length’s to impress an anonymous audience.

    Thanks again,

    ********** "
    #38     Apr 23, 2008
  9. Risk,

    As you probably know trading involves formulating a trade plan and executing that plan as formulated.

    Many people here make terrific calls but as they say even a broken clock is right twice a day. Now, before you jump out of your seat and virtually try to strangle me, this is not actually the hard part, the hard part is the execution and backing up the plan with cash.

    Once again, as they say, trading is mostly psychological.

    You go through all this trouble, just post a blotter and shut me up. :D

    #39     Apr 23, 2008
  10. Susana if you have the time go click on his post count under his name, go back to the beginning and read a some of his choice material. His intention here is nothing more then ego building. His past posts are littered with foul language insults and screaming rants and threats, separated only by vague innuendos of fantastic risk free profitable trades. Well at least the ones the moderators have not removed.
    #40     Apr 23, 2008