If Jews would

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ricter, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. The oldest written language ever found is Cuneiform script, not sanskrit. Cuniform emerged 5500 years ago(3500 B.C.) around the area of what is today modern day Iraq(which is around the area that the israelites(Jews) were from back then as the Garden of Eden is suspected to have been in southern Iraq also.

    Sanskrit came a few thousand years later, AFTER egyptian hieroglyphs, AFTER Akkadian, AFTER hittite, AFTER canaanite.
    #11     Oct 25, 2009
  2. Sanskrit is still written, read and spoken today with great frequency, especially among Vedic scholars and Vedic priests.

    Many disagree with your point of view.


    No doubt there were other dead languages which were never written down which predate historic records.

    However, the common answer to what is the oldest language is Sanskrit.

    #12     Oct 25, 2009
  3. You just explained why Palestinians will win, and Israel will lose. First a precision in your arguments. Nazis, Romans, etc, as ideologies they disappeared, but as people they are still here: They are known as Germans and Italians today. How does this relates to Israel and Palestine?

    Zionism is also an ideology, just like zionism, communism, etc were. Zionism will be defeated by Palestinians for reasons similar to the case of ancient Jews (who are different from zionists because of the ideology of zionisms): Palestinians are a people, they believe in the only one God, their cause is just, and zionists are using force while Palestinians are defending their lands and seeking peace.

    So if zionists in Israel are wise, they should learn from the history of their forefathers, and understand that their fate is known like communism/nazism/etc. Similar to the latter, they are also relying on force, are committing war crimes, they know their cause is unjust, and therefore are falling in the same trap as the romans, nazis and all other ideologies that came before them and disappeared.

    History examples then tell us that Jews will stay, but zionism will disappear.
    #13     Oct 25, 2009
  4. Hmm... Their cause is to wipe Israel (which was created by the UN no less) off the map, it's not their land, their "defensive" actions include several wars, two intifadas, countless terror attacks and tens of thousands of rockets fired at Israeli population centers and they can't even have peace among themselves (Hamas and Fatah), let alone with anyone else. Their arab/muslim brothers have murdered innocent civilians in London, Madrid, Bali, India, Moscow, Beslan, Sudan, Iraq, Pakistan.....

    Other than that your statement sounds just about right. :D :D
    #14     Oct 25, 2009
  5. You might want to brush up on your history.

    The evidence clearly shows that this is not about "zionism", it is about the Jews themselves.

    I quote from the "..Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry regarding the problems of European Jewry and Palestine..." [ Lausanne, 20th April, 1946]:

    [from page 61, speaking about the League of Nations Mandate and the Churchill "White Paper", both of 1922]

    ".....Even before the Palestine Mandate went into effect, it had become evident that the Arab leaders in Palestine were not prepared readily to acquiesce in the creation of a Jewish National Home. Arab independence was their demand. Riots occurred in 1920 and 1921, and Arab unrest spread. An effort to define the term "National Home" in the hope of calming Arab fears and conciliating Arab opinion appeared to the British Government to be essential. The Churchill White Paper of 1922, therefore, disclaimed the intention of creating a Jewish State in Palestine, defined the National Home in terms of a culturally autonomous Jewish community, and looked forward to the ultimate creation of a bi-national but unitary Palestinian State in which Jews and Arabs might co-operate. It agreed that Jewish immigration must continue, but established the concept of the economic absorptive capacity of the country as a limiting factor. This statement of policy was accepted, though without enthusiasm by the Jews, but was rejected by the Arabs. Arab refusal to co-operate resulted in the abandonment of a plan to introduce an elective element into the central government. The first major attempts to settle the Palestine problem thus failed ................."

    It is a factual statement that "political" attempts to settle this issue have continuosly failed, in large measure to Arab intransigence. Might it be that this is more of a theological problem than political ?
    #15     Oct 25, 2009
  6. Ricter


    For all the frackin' money we've given Israel we could have bought them an entire island chain and they'd be living there uncontested but noooooo, they gotta live next to some special rock in the middle of trouble.
    #16     Oct 25, 2009
  7. Ricter


    Hell, I don't know. The jews wanted a home after WWII. They could have gone anywhere. Those other nations were already there. If you are looking for a home, frickin' pick one that is unoccupied.
    #17     Oct 25, 2009
  8. Ricter


    Reminds me of Manifest Destiny.
    #18     Oct 25, 2009
  9. Good point about the area being the middle of trouble. And if israel was not there it would still be the middle of trouble. And if Israel disappeared tomorrow the place would still be trouble except that they would start attacking the US and the west instead. But of course idiots like you never question why the place is trouble to begin with, why it's full of hatred, dictatorships, theocracies, genocides, bloodsheds. The only thing morons like you wanna talk about is the existence of one tiny democratic jewish state in the Middle East where jews belong.
    #19     Oct 25, 2009
  10. Ricter


    Why do they "belong" there, some book says so? Just go somewhere you're not hated, and if by chance some haters come around, keep your hand down and your mouth shut. No one needs to know what god you believe in. If asked, lie. Your god knows your heart, but if he don't, fuck 'im. Without the stupid beard and dumb hat jews look like anyone else. Friggin' blend for once.
    #20     Oct 25, 2009