If its your job to be on TV and talk, shouldnt you know proper english

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. wildchild


    Michael Strahan is out trashing Trump. This clown actually hosts a talk show and he puts out jems like this "We gonna give you the proper meal that you deserve".
  2. Only a dumbass, trump supporter like you uses a sentence with grammatical errors to criticize someone else's.

    If its your job to be on TV and talk, shouldnt you know proper english

    Its ---- > "it's" or "it is"
    Shoudnt ----> "shouldn't"
    english -----> "English"
    Also, "?" at the end.
  3. UsualName


    You need to learn how to write in American gooder.
  4. DTB2


    Watching Strahan and Robin Roberts with George Stephanopolous is an insult to viewers.

    What bona fides do these 2 chuckleheads have to discuss just about anything?
  5. they are smarter, more accomplished, more articulate and way cooler than these douchenozzles.
  6. DTB2


    Uh huh.

    Roberts was a sports anchor for local TV and radio stations. Roberts was a sportscaster on ESPN for 15 years (1990–2005).

    Doocy has written two New York Times bestsellers. For six years, Doocy was the Emmy Award-winning features reporter for WRC, in Washington, D.C.

    Kilmeade has published 5 books
    • 2004: The Games Do Count: America's Best and Brightest on the Power of Sports[7]
    • 2007: It's How You Play the Game: The Powerful Sports Moments that Taught Lasting Values to America's Finest[8]
    • 2015: Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War that Changed American History[10] (with co-author Don Yaeger), about President Thomas Jefferson and the First Barbary War
    Strahan stars in award-winning commercial series for Vaseline Men

    Perhaps in your PC world they are more qualified.
    gwb-trading likes this.

  7. Strahan is on an entertainment show....you don't need a Harvard diploma to interview Tiffany Haddish or do a cooking segment.
  8. DTB2


    Yup and that's where his bucktoothed comments should start and end.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  9. Yes because it is illegal for him to have an opinion. Must step back in line!
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Al Sharpton v. the Teleprompter
    #10     Jan 18, 2019