If I Were Benevolent Dictator of the United States

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rcanfiel, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. The $30 billion plus being spent for "fusion" energy, which is likely to contribute in about 450 years, is scrapped, and used instead to seed research to drive down the cost of windmills, solar cells, and most of it is used to actually BUILD offshore windmills to reduce the load on major coastal cities like NYC, Boston, LA, Philly, etc.

    Imagine what $30 billion of windmill power would do to the price of oil

    Even better, invest in space based thin film solar energy platforms (24 hour a day solar unfettered by clouds or atmosphere) that beam down power via microwaves, that are also positioned over the equator, to block a small amount of sunlight, cooling down the equator and global warming a small amount.

    Or, use the $30 billion to figure out a way to supercool CO2, and send it to the bottom of the ocean, Either as algae, seaweed, or something else. Let the techies figure it out, after funding them so they can actually solve some of the problems.
    #11     Jan 8, 2008
  2. Sounds like a recipe for an instant military junta.
    #12     Jan 8, 2008