If I hear "BUSH" one more time!!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ang_99, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Ummm . . . as per the Bush Administration's security agreement with the Iraqi Parliament from last year, ALL U.S. combat troops will be out of Iraqi cities and towns by June 30th, 2009.
    #101     Jun 16, 2009
  2. Operative word is "combat." That leaves perhaps 40,000 other troops undefined.

    This country has far bigger problems than Iraq....

    #102     Jun 16, 2009
  3. As per the Security Agreement forged by Bush and the Iraqi Parliament. After the combat brigades have been removed, the U.S. mission will change to supporting the Iraqi government and its Security Forces. They will be calling the shots.

    No big surprise there.
    #103     Jun 16, 2009
  4. No offense but you have the inside the box views and critical thinking of a teenaged girl.

    Idiocy. I'm too bored to respond but I'll clue you in on something. Potential enemies are more turned on by American pussies losing their resolve over a war that cost America literally 1/100th the casualties of WWll than thinking we were stretched. I mean what mother fucking planet do you live on? There's 305,000,000 people in this country and 150,000 of them were stationed in Iraq.

    Maybe it's my imagination but Blair sent troops in with us. And both the Vice President and Secretary of State voted FOR THE WAR.

    And besides who gives a rats ass if the "rest of the world"-read liberal Euro-socialists-like us or not? I don't want to be liked by those people.

    Apparently they love Obama, eh? He went to the G20 begging for Europe to go trillions in hock and what did they say? Then he went to NATO and said support my war in Afghanistan with more combat troops. And what did they say? Then as he shills for his health plan what does the market do? It breaks 5% lickety split on the notion.

    #104     Jun 16, 2009
  5. The point is saying that all "troops" will be leaving Iraq is ridiculously disingenuous.

    By your own admission these reductions were ALREADY mandated and 105,000 troops were coming home over the next year regardless if Obama, McCain or Ghengis Khan was U.S. President.

    I contend we'll have at least 30,000 troops there for years. Or whatever non-"troop"euphemism you want to tag them with, i.e.personnel, advisers, peacekeepers.....

    #105     Jun 16, 2009
  6. Hence the word "combat."
    Time to go workout on the track.
    #106     Jun 16, 2009
  7. Keep drinking that msnbc koolaid.
    #107     Jun 16, 2009
  8. Lucrum


    Sorry, just had to actually laugh out loud at this one.

    Being that we're on the internet,
    no one but my wife and dog actually heard me though.

    Now the wife wants to know WTF is going on down there, and the dog is barking.

    In retrospect I probably should just have typed "LOL" instead.
    #108     Jun 16, 2009
  9. Market doesn't trust this guy and can you blame them?

    Anything is possible, especially with all the stimulus.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see tough sledding from here on though.
    #109     Jun 16, 2009
  10. What does it matter to you . . . you don't TRADE the markets anyway.
    #110     Jun 16, 2009