If GM goes bankrupt how will their cars get serviced?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by wilburbear, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Many people in my family own GM products, but they don't want to buy more if they'll get stuck with a car that can't be easily fixed.
  2. clacy


    The parts and service will always be there (or at least for a couple of decades) because there are too many GM vehicles on the road not to service them. That's a lot of money sitting on the table. GM will be around in some form or fashion regardless. They are just too big to vanish from the earth in a year or two.
  3. jtnet


    lol gm isnt going anywhere, i live in michigan, they are constantly hiring engineers
  4. eagle


    It depends. Chapter 11 or Chapter 7? If the latter then I believe you're in trouble, but it's unlikely.
  5. JOEY O

    JOEY O

    yes, gm will not vanish. gm's subsidiaries will be sold off before bankruptcy occurs... that's saturn, pontiac, hummer, buick, hummer... etc.. service will be indeed be around for decades.

    haha with an EPS of -100, and a market cap of about 5% of toyota's... im interested to see where it goes from here. gm can only close so many plants and cut so many jobs...
  6. S2007S


    Tune into that cnbc special tonight all about GM....

  7. GM has more then 6x their market cap in cash, not including assets.(RE, patents, etc.) The stock is undervalued, but reflects the fears the public has.
  8. How much are those various assets worth that produce negative earnings and cash flow?

    Like the real estate. What would a huge production facility bring? Who would buy it. In some cases, these types of things sit empty until they are sold for a dollar with local tax abatements to try to get someone to create jobs.

    What are the patents worth? I don't know, but I can guess that not many companies would pay much for them. Just a guess.
  9. You would need a Quant with a few hours(200-300) to price them out. The cash is not sitting there idle, and that's perhaps the easiest to compute. The patents that are bringing royalties would also be easy, but the RE and other assets would take a lot of time to figure out.

  10. That's a huge, uninformed assumption. The point of having patents is to get money from them. If the company is almost 100 years old and they have knowledge of what to spend their patent lawyer's money on, it would be more logical to assume they have a more profitable ration of patents then many companies.

    As for RE - didn't they just sell one of those large buildings in New Your for almost a billion dollars? Hardly the $1 you assumed.
    #10     Aug 6, 2008