If Global warming was a fact, what would be the economic and political ramifications?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. #11     Apr 2, 2006
  2. Nobody knows for sure what is happening with global warming and what the danger in the future is. We might have huge problems to deal with in the years to come, much worse than the floods in New Orleans. The odds are high that it is human activity that is causing it. This is a big gamble to take and there are no stop losses if we make a mistake.

    If we took measures to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, there could be a lot of benefits for the economy. We would stop sending billions of dollars a year out of the country for imported oil. You could create new industries such as the manufacture of solar cells. People riding bicycles instead of cars would be healthier and put less of a drain on our society by not using the medical system as much.

    I think it would be a much safer bet to drastically reduce our carbon emissions. However the majority of people will never agree with me until we see things happen that are a lot worse than what we've seen so far.
    #12     Apr 2, 2006
  3. Global warming exists. 4% of the worlds population consume in excess of 25% of the crude oil. What makes you think they will tell you global warming exists? It is in their interests to deny it.

    Quote from mahram:

    I was wondering, if 15-20 years from now the government came out and said yeah global warming is a fact. It's caused by greenhouse gases. What would be the economic ramifications. 15-20 years from now. What would be the political ramifications. And everything that was in global warming forecasts come true. Longer and more powerful hurricanes, droughts, death of sea life, and etc. What would happen to the economy? would there just be economic choas, the markets dropping like crazy, or just bleh.
    #13     Apr 2, 2006
  4. fan27


    #14     Apr 2, 2006
  5. Man and all his creations are products of nature, earth.... We are not aliens who flew in and desecrated the order. Therefore, "normal".

    #15     Apr 3, 2006
  6. nitro


    Yes, but man is the only animal currently capable of changing his enviroment on a global scale through his actions, for better or for worse.

    For that matter, cancer cells did not come from outer space either, nor does the beubonic plague, nor a hydrogen bomb nor radioactive waste...therefore "normal."

    #16     Apr 3, 2006