If Cohen has so much on Trump, why is he going to jail?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. wildchild


    Lets be real here, since the media is obviously not. The whole Cohen investigation and raid had nothing to do with Cohen. It was about Trump's political enemies trying to get him. So after this big cabal, Cohen ends up doing jail time. If Cohen really had anything on Trump, he would have been able to avoid jail time by providing info on Trump. Since he is doing jail time, he either has info and refused to disclose it, or he had nothing to offer in the first place. Nobody cares about Cohen. If Trump didnt win the Presidency, Cohen would still be a practicing sleazy lawyer. Its that simple.
    TJustice, smallfil and DTB2 like this.
  2. Cuddles



    Trump was at August 2015 meeting about hush money payments, source says

    (CNN)Donald Trump attended an August 2015 meeting that federal prosecutors believe was central to a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws to help Trump win the presidency, according to a source familiar with the matter.

    According to court filings, Trump was joined by Michael Cohen, who was his attorney at the time, and David Pecker, the chairman of American Media Inc., parent company of the National Enquirer.
    During the meeting, the group discussed a plan to shield Trump from potentially damaging stories. Prosecutors say this amounted to illegal donations to Trump's campaign.
  3. wildchild


    Its not hush money, its an NDA and there are countless politicians who have them.
  4. Cuddles


    Are they also doing it on the eve of an election, not disclosing it as federal law demands, and getting caught for it? This is where we are.
  5. wildchild


    You promised that Mueller was going to deliver the goods against Trump as it relates to Russia and that case is not looking promising so you keep digging for anything you can find.

    This is where we are.
    LacesOut likes this.
  6. UsualName


    Cohennis going to jail because he is a criminal. Trump is right behind him.
  7. UsualName


    Mueller is waiting for the new Congress so he can make Nancy Pelosi President. Then everyone at Fox news’ Head will explode at once and the mission will be complete.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  8. wildchild


    You missed the entire point. Not too smart are you? As Lebron James would say "You wasnt too educated".
  9. wildchild


    This is obviously a joke right. If you were a reasonably person I would know you were joking, but you are a left wing anti-American socialist which means you are not rational in the least.
  10. UsualName


    The premise of your point is a fallacy. I assure you what Trump is being investigated for is criminal and has actual consequences. I correctly aligned the conversation to what the reality is and what is relevant. Your argument that nothing else matters but what you want to matter is not the reality.
    #10     Dec 14, 2018
    Tony Stark likes this.