If Chuck Norris were the FED chairman

Discussion in 'Trading' started by nitro, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. Chuck Norris' tears cure deflation.
    Its just too bad that he doesn't cry.
    #31     Nov 4, 2010
  2. Chuck Norris could push up the Renminbi with one arm...
    #32     Nov 4, 2010
  3. he`d say, ''i`m not afraid to die,and you?''...and pushed the button..
    #33     Nov 4, 2010

  4. If he still goes to the Kang Suhr Korean BBQ on Olympic blvd (Los Angeles), watch how he immediately leaves the restaurant if my buddy Bob Jones and his training buddy (I only know how him superfically) Mike Stone, the Terror from Hawaii show up (all Chucky's training buddies, he made it to the movies but they didn't, although Mike's got movie parts in the Phillippines production(s) ...

    In any event Bruce could kick his ass without Chuck even getting a shot off.

    Chuck's a clumsy one-roundhouse kick sissy. :)

    #34     Nov 4, 2010
  5. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aLepjRCRQ3go

    Chuck Norris doesn't target inflation. He roundhouse-kicks it until it begs for mercy.

    The Chuck Norris dollar buys 3 Canadian dollars, and trades at parity with the euro.

    Chuck Norris doesn't supply collateral, only collateral damage.

    The tears of Chuck Norris would supply enough liquidity to solve the credit crisis. Too bad he never cries.

    When the yield on a Chuck Norris bond goes up, the price also rises.

    Chuck Norris trades on fear and greed simultaneously.

    Alan Greenspan calls Chuck Norris ``The Maestro.''

    Chuck Norris has already banked his dividend payment from Northern Rock Plc.

    Chuck Norris funds at Libor flat.

    Chuck Norris Asset Management made 50 percent on its subprime mortgage-backed bond fund last month.

    Chuck Norris doesn't borrow at the Fed's discount window. Chuck Norris LENDS at the Fed's discount window.

    Chuck Norris's curves never invert.

    Net income at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. rose 79 percent in the third quarter; profit at Chuck Norris Securities Inc. climbed 80 percent.

    There is no market regulator. Just a list of securities Chuck Norris allows to be traded.

    Chuck's iPhone never needs recharging.

    Chuck Norris doesn't buy gold to hedge against inflation. Gold buys Chuck Norris to hedge against inflation.

    Chuck Norris charges the Bank of England a penalty rate for borrowing. And guarantees its deposits.

    Chuck Norris is the pilot Ben Bernanke calls when he wants to shower the economy with dollar bills. Sometimes, Chuck refuses to fly.

    Chuck Norris gets ALL of his funding from the asset-backed commercial paper market.

    Chuck Norris doesn't mark-to-market. The market marks to Chuck Norris.

    When the U.S. economy sneezes, the world catches a cold. When Chuck Norris sneezes, the U.S. economy catches pneumonia.

    When Chuck Norris makes you a price, it isn't an offer; it's an obligation to buy.

    Chuck Norris isn't a market maker; he IS the market.

    Chuck Norris can still get a 125 percent mortgage on a $2 million condo without providing proof of earnings.

    Chuck Norris subprime collateralized debt obligations still trade at 100 percent of face value.

    Chuck completed Halo 3 on his Microsoft Corp. Xbox 360 on the day before the computer game went on sale.

    Chuck Norris has a trade surplus with China.
    #35     Nov 4, 2010
  6. Chuck Norris round house kicked a Ponzi scheme so hard that everyone made money...including Madoff. He then turned Madoff into a hotdog, because he knows exactly what goes in to them.
    #36     Nov 4, 2010
  7. Chuck Norris can beat the Chinese into buying more of our debt whereas Tim Geithner has to beg.
    #37     Nov 4, 2010
  8. When the Deflation goes to sleep every night it checks its closet for Chuck Norris.
    #38     Nov 4, 2010
  9. Chuck Norris does not target a rate the word target infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris sets the rate.
    #39     Nov 4, 2010
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    rumor has it the fed is examining whether to put the dollar on the Chuck standard.
    #40     Nov 4, 2010