if backtesting works, what could go wrong in real trade?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by traderzhangSan, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. you need a plan that leaves you in the trade at that time - at least 1 time in 3
    #51     Mar 5, 2010

  2. Ninjas strategy analyzer does not use the same logic for fills as the real time sim
    you will get different results every time
    the SA also does not support bid/ask on historical data (in 6.5)
    Its gettin better but it aint there yet
    #52     Mar 5, 2010

  3. so...... the remedy is
    don't risk the rent/food money?
    nah, too simplistic
    #53     Mar 5, 2010

  4. the former has always seemed easier to execute on than the latter
    just my 2 cents
    #54     Mar 5, 2010

  5. bloviating again jack?
    #55     Mar 5, 2010
  6. This again?

    Method is 100% of success.

    Bad method, no success.

    Good method, success.

    JH's method is not profitable.

    Woodie's method is not profitable.

    I understand that some people like to throw around "well it's more than just the method, blah blah, you need things like the right psychology and blah blah" but that's all bullshit.

    Even with perfect disclipline, state of mind, etc, JH and Woodie's "methods" still wouldn't be profitable. Know why? Cuz they're not profitable methods.

    It's like giving someone a fork to eat soup. It's not going to work.

    SO MANY PEOPLE on this board act as if your method (strategy/system/etc) is the smallest of your worries when, in fact, is it the MOST important.

    Skittish traders with a profitable method will make money.

    Super focused traders with nerves of steel, but using an unprofitable method, still will not make money.

    Anyone who claims otherwise is not a profitable trader and, most likely, is selling you something (and when you end up not making money, and you won't because their method doesn't work, they will blame the other factors I just mentioned, when in fact, the reason you don't make money is because your method was bad to begin with).

    100% of trading guru scammers do this.
    #56     Mar 6, 2010
  7. almost as stupid as saying "method is 5% of success."
    #57     Mar 7, 2010
  8. On the contrary, people are extremely protective of trade secrets.

    Oh wait, are you one of those "[insert indicator] can be profitable if blah blah vague conditions" people???? In my experience I have seen fewer than 5 methods that are profitable. Hardly "legion." And most of them are not even viable options to non-institutional traders because they require things like ultra fast execution time, or immense capital reserves, which retail and at-home traders do not have.

    I have. It's because they don't have profitable systems. They believe that shit like what JH, or Woodie, or any of the other "gurus" preach actually works, and it's just something that they're doing wrong. Or they believe that [insert indicator or combination of indicators] works, there's just some other mental aspect they're missing.

    Guess what? There's not.

    They are using faulty systems.
    #58     Mar 7, 2010
  9. Can you read? I said "fewer than 5."

    Also, "fewer than 5" is nothing compared to the "legion" of profitable methods you supposedly claim that exist [​IMG]

    Know how I know you're not a profitable trader?
    #59     Mar 7, 2010
  10. You're still failing to acknowledge the "legion" of profitable trading methods you know exist. How is it such a big deal that I've encountered a few when apparently there are legion in existance?

    You're obviously just a troll and aren't interested in having an intelligent discussion since you keep ignoring the blarringly obvious points in this conversation. For that reason you have nothing to contribute. Welcome to my ignore list.
    #60     Mar 7, 2010