if 90 percent of traders are losing and

Discussion in 'Trading' started by andrasnm, Sep 3, 2002.

  1. ElCubano


    Back then everyone was daytrading/investing/swinging whatever you wants to call it...mom, pop and the nieghborhood drug dealer....much bigger pool to take money from and ur stats from....I knew less then than now and I was making money hand over fist....go figure....
    #11     Sep 3, 2002
  2. Cesko


    Majority people lose, be it 70 or 90%, it doesn't matter. Just like in any other business. Nothing new yesterday, today and I have a "really wise" prediction, it's gonna be the same tommorrow, after tommorrow and later still.
    #12     Sep 3, 2002
  3. If I remember, these numbers come from a SEC or NASD study done on daytrading firms back in 1999.

    It happened after Block Trading blew out a bunch of traders in Boston and the industry was scrutinized.
    #13     Sep 6, 2002
  4. If I remember, it was from an SEC or NASD study done on daytrading firms back in 1999.

    It happened after Block Trading blew out a bunch of traders in Boston and the industry was scrutinized.
    #14     Sep 6, 2002