Identfiy Ourselves

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mike_dell, Oct 21, 2002.

  1. I am new to this board and like it. Question, I recently saw a couple people identify what type of trader they are, their broker, system, etc... in their signature. I know some people want to remain hush, hush who they are, but this would be awesome if everyone did this to identify some background. Comments?
  2. why post this in the hardware section?
  3. because this has to do with identifying your hardware as a trader. Why, you going to give me crap for this?
  4. i didn't realize you were asking people to identify their computer systems is all. i must have misunderstood.
  5. Minime


    Are you a fan of Michael Dell of Dell computers, or is that your real name? :D
  6. Maybe Mike Dell misunderstood the 'Hardware' section .
    In this section, we ask questions about computer hardwares, nothing to do with trading and/or which firm we trade.

    If I understand Mike's question which is that we identify ourself as retail trader, or prop trader for which firm, ect....
    That topic would go into the 'Chit Chat' or 'Trading' section.

    And Mike, no, noone is going to give you crap for this. :D

  7. Heterosexual male.