Idea in extracting the title of an article?

Discussion in 'App Development' started by blueraincap, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. I have a bunch of academic papers on the computer that I need organising.
    I need to extract the titles of them, but have not found a valid method yet.
    Any idea?
    Usually, the title has the largest font in the first page, so I used python (and pdfminer module) to do so, but it is only working 50-60%.

    import sys
    from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages
    from pdfminer.layout import LTTextContainer, LTLine, LTChar
    #this module contains one public method to parse the title of a typical PDF academic paper, given its filepath
    #the parsing often fails because of difficulty in parsing PDF files
    def getTitle(filepath):
        """main method to extract the title of a pdf file"""
            filepath = filepath.strip()
        except TypeError:
            print("filepath not a string")
        if not filepath[len(filepath)-4:len(filepath)].lower() == ".pdf":
            sys.exit("filepath not ending with .pdf in " + filepath)
            data = extractFirstPageElements(filepath)
            texts = data[0]
            fonts = data[1]
            maxFontPos = extractTitlePos(fonts)
            uncleanedTitle = extractTitle(texts, maxFontPos)
            title = cleanTitle(uncleanedTitle)
        except: #mostly due to IndexError as no texts are read in due to unreadable file or blank page, or some readTexts-fontSize mismatch
            title = "Unknown"
        if len(title) > 120: #ultra-long title likely error
            title = "Unknown"
        return title
    def extractFirstPageElements(filepath):
        """helper method to extract text elements and their corresponding font sizes into lists"""
        fonts = []
        elements = []
        for page in extract_pages(filepath):
            for element in page:
                if isinstance(element, LTTextContainer):
                    for text_line in element:
                        for character in text_line:
                            if isinstance(character, LTChar):
                                font_size = character.size
                                break #first character only, assuming others in text_line have the same size
            break #read first page only
        return [elements, fonts]
    def extractTitlePos(fonts):
        """helper method to extract the positions having the largest font size"""
        font_pos = []
        maxFont = max(fonts)
        for pos, size in enumerate(fonts):
            if size == maxFont:
        return font_pos
    def extractTitle(elements, positions):
        """helper method to extract those elements having the largest font size, then return as a joint string"""
        title = []
        for i in positions:
        return " ".join(title)
    def cleanTitle(title):
        """helper method to clean the title by removing \n and illegal filename symbols"""
        englishArticles = ("a", "an", "the") #to remove if start word of title
        title = title.strip() #remove whitespaces
        title = title.replace("\n", " ") #remove any inline \n
        title = title.replace(":", " -") #replace invalid file : symbol
        title = title.replace("?", " ") #replace invalid file ? symbol
        title = title.replace("*", "") #replace invalid symbol
        title = title.replace("@", "") #replace invalid symbol
        title = title.replace("/", " ") #replace invalid symbol
        title = title.replace("  ", " ") #remove potential double whitespaces
        title = title.title() #capitalize each word
        #remove starting article if one
        firstWord = title.split()[0].lower() #first word of title
        if firstWord in englishArticles:
            secondWord = title.split()[1] #second word of title
            secondWordPos = title.index(secondWord) #where second word starts
            title = title[secondWordPos:] #remove the starting article off title
        #perform word capitalization, some keywords should be in all lower-case or upper-case, regular words are letter-capitalized
        words = title.split() #individual words in the title, each letter-capitalized
        #var to hold words that should be all lower-case
        lowercaseWords = ("a", "an", "the", "at", "to", "from", "for", "using", "of", "among", "across", "during","what", "with", "and", "or", "between", "in", "on", "is", "are", "as", "there", "under", "toward", "towards", "through", "via", "by", "based", "vs", "versus", "its", "it", "their")
        #var to hold words that should be all upper-case
        uppercaseWords = ("us", "usa", "eu", "uk", "hk", "nyse", "ftse", "hkse", "pca", "etf", "etfs", "fx", "ipo", "hft", "spx", "vix", "vxx", "adr", "adrs")
        capAdjustedWords = [] #var to hold capitalization-appropriate words
        for word in words: #check each word one by one
            if word.lower() in lowercaseWords:
                capAdjustedWords.append(word.lower()) #capitalize to lower-case
            elif word.lower() in uppercaseWords:
                capAdjustedWords.append(word.upper()) #capitalize to upper-case
                capAdjustedWords.append(word) #no capitalization
        if capAdjustedWords[0].islower():
            capAdjustedWords[0] = capAdjustedWords[0].capitalize() #captailize in case first word is in lowercaseWords
        title = " ".join(capAdjustedWords)
        #often the final char is some special character so should be removed
        finalChar = title[ len(title)-1 : ]
        if not finalChar.isalnum():
            title = title[0 : len(title)-1] #remove the last char
        return title
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        filepath = input("Enter the file path (using /): ")
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. S2007S


    Isn't AI that's now part of our daily routine and completely the talk of wallstreet able to handle this with a few voice prompts???
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Seems like the easiest method would be to go through and rename the filename of each paper to reflect the title of it. That way you can easily search and sort through the filenames (Titles) using your file browser.
  4. What the shit are you talking about? Where do the titles come from to begin with the renaming?
  5. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    The process I'm referring to is a manual process, not automated. You open up each paper, copy the title of it, and then rename the file by pasting the title as the new filename.

    So for example, you might have a paper with a filename of 2022hft.pdf and when you open that file you see that the paper is titled "HFT Activity and Overview in 2022", so you would copy that and rename the file HFT_Activity_and_Overview_in_2022.pdf
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. My question is how to automate the process..any idiot can do it manually
    d08 likes this.
  7. BMK


    This may be a good example of the current limits of artificial intelligence...

    I don't think there is a reliable way to identify the title of a research paper without actually opening the file and using human reasoning.

    There are variables such as a subtitle, and the title of the journal, which make this task very difficult for an algorithm.

    There are other contexts, for example... geez, I dunno, maybe electronic filing systems used by the courts, or maybe a system like EDGAR, where they may have strong rules that govern file names, and that would potentially make the task a lot easier.
  8. 2rosy


    blueraincap likes this.
  9. BMK


    That was my first thought, that maybe the metadata, or file properties, would contain the title. And PDF properties does indeed contain a field called title. But it many, many cases, the data in that field is completely unrelated to the title of the paper.

    There is no standard across academia for how you name a file. o_O
    #10     Mar 14, 2024