IB will allow IRA future trading soon

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by exce26, Apr 29, 2003.

  1. exce26


    After openning IRA account with IB, can I trade E-mini future with IRA account?

    IB answer:
    At this time, you can not trade futures in your IRA. However, we will be providing that service in the very near future. Come May 1st, we will send out an IB Communiqué explaining what futures will be available and other details on the subject.
    IB Customer Service
  2. exce26


    IRA Option Combos and Futures
    Due to programming complications, IB will be delaying the launch of Options Combination in IRA accounts until Friday May 9, 2003 and Futures in IRA accounts until Thursday July 3, 2003. As of these dates, you will be able to go to Account Management and upgrade your account capabilities.