Today my automatic update program for TWS informed me that a new release of the program was released, and I downloaded and installed it. I would like to know what changed in the new release (bugs fixed, new or enhanced features, etc.) and I wasn't able to find this info anywhere in the program or on IB's site. I think it would be useful (very useful) if IB implemented the policy of routinely inform users of changes in new versions/releases of the SW. An easy way to do this would be to create a "Version history" or "What's new" section in the TWS online manual, documenting changes and evolutions of the program build by build. Any comment appreciated (especially Def's) Thx Guido
Guido Open your TWS and look at the headings on the contract lines. I think you'll notice some new columns/info. BSAM
Yes, release notes should ALWAYS be presented. It is a pity the feature disappeared from the update TWS standalone program. A reminder, it is also possible to have a sneak preview at the next short term release of JWTS there : Click on Beta Disclaimer : it's a beta so I guess if there is any problem while using it, you're on your own.. [well, if I remember the policy with any version you are on your own ] vpiNeo
I think updates to the manual lag slightly behind the programming release. If nothing comes out tonight, I'll dig up the info and post here tomorrow morning my time (evening NY).
Anyone else unable to execute thru BEST ECN the last few days? Ever since I updated TWS, I get a "security not found" response w/BEST ECN. I asked IB about this, but their reply was a bit cryptic and abbreviated. Other IB users, has "BEST ECN" been functional the last few days?
The Best ECN stop working after i upgraded to the lastest build of JWS, I've got the same msg "contract not find" or something like this.
Same here - luckilly I had the previous installation file (which I will treasure from now on and I managed to undo the update. Def. lat us know when this all important bug will be ironed out. Ciao Guido
The bug was solved the same day. There is a new upgrade available. The online chat with Customer service is really nice. But is still don't know what is changed in every new update. Def?? Ernesto