Hello there, I think it would be a good idea for IB developpers to have a look at Dealstation 2000 Java based Forex application for the look and feel. You can find it on http://www.forex-mg.com and you can request a demo account to test it... It is really beautiful...good inspiration for IB I think...
I lookied at the site for a few minutes, there's also some screen shots here: http://www.forex-mg.com/demo/default.asp?loc=DSP Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I haven't yet found where the web page says what their commissions/fees are..
There are no commissions. Its a forex broker that quotes you a bid/ask quote. To buy you pay the ask, to sell you get the bid. That's where they make money, the spread. To stay on topic, I do think they have a nice Java app. Kirk