IB Statements - Cannot Download

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by The_Boosh, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. The_Boosh


    Anyone else unable to download statements - either the new style or the legacy ones - at the moment?

    I can see the new Activity Statements, or the HTML versions of the legacy ones, but an attempt to download an Excel version of either gives me an error message saying "Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'https://www.interactivebroker.com/Universal.....' etc.

    I'm waiting for IB to get back to me as to whether they believe it is an issue at their end.....
  2. John - IB

    John - IB


    I just sent you an a PM with instructions on how to correct the issue I believe you are having, you can email me at tac@interactivebrokers.com and in the subject field, make the email to my attention, "Attn: Johne". If you would like a call back please include your contact info to the email.

  3. rayl


    I think I've seen this problem recently with IE7 but not with Firefox. I suspect some type of tighter security setting in IE7....

    In the past, the download warning would bust things, so I added IB to my Trusted Zone and fixed that, but I am guessing something relating to the new stmt cutover changed recently to bring about this issue.

    In any case, Firefox works fine for stmt downloads. If this problem continues with next month's stmt, I will open a ticket.