Ib Quote Policy ?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by SethArb, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. rickty


    I'm planning on using the IQFeed (DTN) with QT. I want to monitor about 400 stocks. I plan on passing the whole list of stocks to QT using the "AddStocksToPort" command (adding them to the CURRENT port) and then to read them all at constant timed intervals using the "getLastQuote(CURRENT)" command. Do you see any problems with this (or are 400 stocks too many)?

    I'd appreciate any help before I try this.

    #21     Jul 3, 2003
  2. Ricky - as far as IQFeed getting 400 symbols, it really depends on the symbols, I can have 40 symbols that will put a heavier load on the CPU than many lists of 400. As long as you have a decent machine and do not open too many charts that should be OK. And of course assuming you dont pick all the highest volume symbols :).

    As for querying the symbols with QT Server, that does take some CPU, but you can play with the intervals a bit if you see a problem.
    #22     Jul 3, 2003
  3. speedy


    You need to get a new broker or quote feed. I've never heard of a max amount of symbols you can pull up in a day.
    #23     Jul 3, 2003
  4. speedy, the max # of requests is there specifically to stop people from incorrectly using the system (constant subscribe/unsubscribe from the list of symbols). If you are not doing that, you will never hit the 10,000 limit in a day (even if you switch portfolios every 2 minutes, throughout the entire trading day)

    I know for a fact that many subscription datafeeds will disable your account if you do that. That is not what streaming quotes are intended for.
    #24     Jul 3, 2003

  5. EEK! no wonder TWS is sluggish during volume spikes. Glad they are clamping down.
    #25     Jul 3, 2003
  6. jtzikas


    medved wrote:
    We do not have code examples, but then our API is pretty simple. You just call a URL to request the quotes. As long as your app can make a HTTP call, you have everything needed.

    Since this occurs with IB - my program worked OK - I have also to watch for another DataFeed (maybe they limit it next time to 100 requests???)

    Who knows how to program a datarequest for the QuoteTracker in Visual Basic 6 (I mean this URL requesting) because I am newcomer to VB.
    #26     Jul 3, 2003
  7. Bob111


    i think you have to use internet transer control(not sure, if i name it correctly)but it called something like this. pull up components menu and you will find it.

    Good Luck!
    #27     Jul 3, 2003
  8. Catoosa


    I complained to IB for about 2 years about IB quotes falling behind in a real hot market when I needed the system the most to take advantage of the opportunity of the moment. Some symbols of high volume stocks became untradeable through TWS at such a time. I have and still think the problem was the result of how and where IB received their quote data; However, it now sounds like the problem might be the lack of IB's system being able to handle the large volume of quote request. In any case I hope IB can and has solve the problem (I think IB has for the most part solved the lagging quote problems as I have not had a lagging quote problem during the past several months).
    #28     Jul 3, 2003
  9. One has nothing to do with the other. What others are doing with quotes would not cause any sluggishness on your computer. Your PC is just not keeping up with the data. Reduce the number of symbols you are tracking or get a faster computer.
    #29     Jul 3, 2003
  10. IB said they are working on the problem. It's happening again today on the futures spike down.:/

    I am using it w/ Quote tracker. I hope it isn't the problem. But I doubt it because other traders I know had same freeze and don't use QT.
    #30     Jul 3, 2003