IB offering gateway access (API without TWS)

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by SideShowBob, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. To IB.

    Having experimented with it a little, two things:

    1. The logs need to show when the dark format is chosen.
    2. It would be useful to have a log version that just shows order activity (including place, change, and fills). For someone who is partially automatic it is useful to be able to confirm that the paths in the order change are in agreement.
    #41     Apr 19, 2010

  2. ** I agree. IB has done a GREAT thing releasing the Gateway. Could not be more thankful and the guys need to be praised. **

    Now, if you really want to be on top of the world, please take these suggestions, which are easy to implement (1 and 2 are crucial):

    - 1. Add simple realtime account info (position, P&L, realized, etc.) to the Gateway. (But no more than that.)

    - 2. Make OPTIONAL the autologoff in the TWS. [If charting is really your problem, let the user choose between the possibility of charting (almost nobody needs it) or NO autologoff. ]

    - 3. The messages currently displayed by the Gateway are, mostly, really of no interest to the user. It's more debugging info. As kiwi_trader has indicated, if you need to display something, it's really more useful display info about orders (fills, partial fills, ...). Display MUCH less but more INFORMATIVE!
    And, please, when issuing messages (tws error handler), include the security name, because only rare people trade 1 security at a time and issuing error messages without telling which security is involved is confusing when trading folios.

    #42     Apr 19, 2010
  3. Another note for IB software.

    5 second data is backfilled by the gateway but doesn't seem to continue (tested on hsi). Repeated test between the tws version and gateway version ... and tws worked but gateway didn't.
    #43     Apr 19, 2010
  4. Stock


    I say they should display even less information. Remove the GUI completely and make it a command line application with optional levels of logging output. Bare minimum, everything else can be handled by the front-end and the logs. If you want more information displayed then you should be using TWS or whatever.

    It's still a giant pig-beast even in this stripped down form. Using nearly 900MB of RAM at startup (about 100MB less than the full GUI) on Linux. Plus there is still the whole Java thing [​IMG]
    #44     Apr 20, 2010
  5. 900mb for an API? Damn, my home grown slowly developing NinjaTrader competing product uses a LOT less on startup - and that includes the damn server ;)

    Hehe. Nice.
    #45     Apr 20, 2010
  6. RedDuke


    Not sure where you got these numbers from. I am not seeing anything even close to it.
    #46     Apr 20, 2010
  7. Craig66


    This is on my Ubuntu machine.
    #47     Apr 20, 2010
  8. Stock


    You can not go by what the GNOME task manager says as that's just the resident size, not the actual size.

    Use 'top' or 'ps' to get the full values:
      PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                                                        
    20594 Stock     20   0  940m 207m  15m S    1  2.6   0:05.44 java
    That's 940MB (this includes the libraries and such that are loaded). The resident value changes depending on which applications need memory at the current time and does not represent the complete size.

    Of course all of this is up for some controversy because shared libraries are counted in the virtual size and could in theory be used by multiple applications. Still, that's a lot of memory.
    #48     Apr 20, 2010
  9. Craig66


    Larger, but still nowhere near yours.
    #49     Apr 20, 2010
  10. Stock


    Ah, I found the difference. I was using the IB recommended start line:
    java -cp jts.jar:hsqldb.jar:jcommon-1.0.12.jar:jhall.jar:other.jar:rss.jar -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xmx512M ibgateway.GWClient .
    Which reserves 512MB for the memory allocation pool. Of course I'm not sure if it actually needs that much for this gateway because I think that's the same value they use for the full GUI.

    Regardless, even 300-500MB is way too much in my book but probably a lot of that is just due to the inefficiency of Java in general. I wonder how much it would use with no GUI.
    #50     Apr 20, 2010