IB leveraged forex, uh what?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by i960, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. i960


    Am I reading this right? You have to have 5-10 million now to trade forex at IB?

  2. I just received this mail as well. Completely sudden and out of the blue. I spoke with an IB rep and he wasn't able to explain whether the new regulation would be industry wide or just for IB FX. I have used IB for a little over a year for solely forex and have really enjoyed the platform and the customer service. I was even able to negotiate a customized commission schedule in speaking with IB management given my high trade volume. This is a rather devastating development and I guess I will begin my search for a new broker/platform. For other IB forex users that do not qualify as ECPs, what route will you be taking? Is FXCM the best alternative (assuming I don't want to go the prime of prime route)? Thanks!
  3. i960


    VPhantom likes this.
  4. welcome to the world of FX futures..
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    rmorse likes this.
  5. i960


    Yeah all those FX cross spreads on CME with pretty much zero liquidity (yes I know you can somewhat construct your own - but it isn't the same).
    VPhantom and CBC like this.
  6. clacy


    SEC is trying to pass regulations to limit 3x ETF's too.

    My guess is it won't be long before futures are targeted as well.
    i960 likes this.
  7. Is this only for US traders or anywhere? This is really bad news and poorly dealt by IB. Shouldn't they have to give its customers more than 20 days before such a move?
  8. Looks like this is the case for IB, but not for the exclusively forex places like Oanda.
  9. It sounds like this will apply to all broker dealers because they are SEC registered. FXCM and Oanda are safe for now because they are CFTC as opposed to SEC regulated.
  10. AbbotAle


    What a bummer.

    Does anyone know if this only applies to US citizens and not non-US ones?

    #10     Aug 12, 2016