IB lagging and stuck quotes for ES

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by kiwidtrader, Nov 7, 2001.

  1. This is good as they recognize the problem.

    To GLOBEX users
    Some customer may experience slowness in
    ES or NQ futures prices. We are currently
    on this issue.
    #21     Nov 8, 2001
  2. tntneo

    tntneo Moderator

    I think since they lost connection one day with Globex (a couple of weeks ago I think) there are problems there.

    the lag is obvious, no question there.
    I see it between esignal and IB (also with the CME DOM)

    However, I can't be sure about execution lags.. my experience is the opposite IB is very very fast. But I was not live this week though. I remember scalping once in a very dull market with 1 point spread with instant executions.

    However, I do not have a real comparison with another broker to put it in perspective. The only way is really to trade on 2 accounts on the same machine at relatively the same hour.
    If someone did that, I would like an idea of the delay between order and execution.

    #22     Nov 8, 2001
  3. Again, same problems on Friday. :mad:

    Anyone else experience this with the ES quotes. IB sent out an alert and I spoke to them several times on the phone.

    Def, can you please provide the group an update on this. Also, when we can expect a solution in place.

    #23     Nov 11, 2001
  4. Slim

    Slim Guest

    I have definitely had problems with IB lagging the past few weeks . I don't see how it could be related to Qwest since my esignal is more timely while on the same DSL . It is making it very tough to click on an IB quote and transmit without first adjusting the price to what esignal is saying the price is . I have to continually check my esignal screens to verify what is going on since IB can't be depended upon . There where times a while ago when IB was actually ahead of what I was seeing on Esignal but that is rarely the case recently . I trade equities in the naz .
    #24     Nov 11, 2001
  5. dottom


    IB's Globex connection went down today for over an hour, during which time two of my stops were hit but never filled. I called the help desk and was put hold for 30mins. There was a recording that said "sorry Globex is down" but I suspect it was only down for IB. Then I went on live chat and the guy chatting with me knew absolutely nothing, could not tell me if I was net long or short, could not tell me if my orders were filled or not, and didn't even say sorry or anything for the problems. Not to mention it took him 5-6 mins to answer each of my questions.

    What if I was an EOD trader or just happen to not be at my desk and the system went down? I couldn't offset my position with another broker. If they are having problems now (and have had problems with high volume from what I've read elsewhere), can you imagine a crash scenario with extreme volume? If IB's interface goes down then you'd be wiped out even if you had a stoploss order set. If it's only the IB interface going down, that is not as bad as your stop orders will still be there.

    In any case, today's outage made it perfectly clear to me that IB is too risky. Yeah it may hapeen only two or three times a year, but that's too risky for my blood.
    #25     Nov 19, 2001
  6. Dustin


    I couldn't believe how they handled this outage today. Now after the market is closed they are distributing any fills that didn't correctly go through earlier. What if you had a short order that you thought cancelled and now you're down 30 nq points??
    #26     Nov 19, 2001
  7. Turok


    >Now after the market is closed they are distributing
    >any fills that didn't correctly go through earlier.

    Yes, but I'm sure they're "sorry for the inconvenience".

    If that is what they are doing, I'm shocked and stunned. Yeah...like I would want that short now that I can't take my stops.

    #27     Nov 19, 2001
  8. tymjr


    dottom: “IB's Globex connection went down today for over an hour, I called the help desk and was put hold for 30mins.”

    Run away! Run away!
    #28     Nov 19, 2001
  9. Dustin


    From IB

    15:47:06 To all users

    Please be advised: Regarding the circumstances of today's disruption with the Globex exchange, there are unreported executions in the ES and NQ products currently bieng delivered.
    If you had working orders during the disruption, please focus your attention to your execution window, as you may received an execution report.
    We apologize for this inconvenience.
    #29     Nov 19, 2001
  10. dottom


    That is CRAZY. IB/Globex went down at 13:12 and back up about an hour later. They sent this notice 1.5 hours after it was back up?? What if you offset position with another broker and/or made a trade immediately when Globex came back up, now they distribute fills after-the-fact?

    I bet that those fills that would've made money won't get distributed but those that had losers will. I had two stops that didn't get hit, one was a profit target the other was a new long, both would've been decent sized winners if I got filled, but I ended up with one loser and a new long that never happened (only to watch the market rally to close) when I should've made over 12 points.

    Yeah, I need a little cheese with my wine, but this is unexcusable. IB couldnt' even confirm or deny if I was net long or short so I couldn't even offset my position. I talked to one customer rep and live chat'ed with another and neither could tell me what my net position was.

    They didn't even offer any apologizes. They just acted like this kind of thing happens all the time. Forgive me but I've only been with IB for 2 weeks. I think I'm switching back.
    #30     Nov 19, 2001