I really appreciate the attitude of IB. They are continuosly improving their software and I wanted to start a thread for everyone using IB to suggest improvements/changes to TWS. I realize that we don't want TWS to be bogged down with features and lose its advantage so please keep suggestions to actual improvements and not something that is 'nice' to have. Hopefully we can pass this on to def who can then pass it on to someone at IB who gives a dingo's kidney about our ideas. I'll start with this list (which btw is not all from me): 1]keep IB window on top always (there is shareware that does this but it can sometimes cause conflicts) 2]buy at bid/sell at offer through hotkey 3]closeout/exit all position function (useful for when you get partials and don't have time to key in amt) 4]function to save column widths (still not there) ^^^ Edited later...my boo boo This function is now there BUT!! the first three columns are not 'saveable'!! 5]function to erase columns you don't want/need 6]moving column ordering causes the change (+/-) column to be stripped of its blue/red colouring 7]time stamp on quotes (apparently they had this way back) 8]entering in symbol by just typing it in (simple!) 9]trailing stop losses (as a compromise only exist intraday) 10]stops (buy/sell, whatever) that get triggered w/o lags . . . . . . take it away!
babak: how about a favor. Can you keep track of these, then send me an e-mail, say once a week or once every other week. The word swamped doesn't even come close to stating what is on my agenda for the the next couple of weeks. I'll try to stay on top of this but if you can put it into a spread sheet and send to me every now and then it would be a great help. Items: 3: already there: click on order and choose cancel all 4: already there, upgrade to new version and choose file save before exiting for the others, i'll see what I can do.
From Babak: "Hopefully we can pass this on to def who can then pass it on to someone at IB who gives a dingo's kidney about our ideas." Def - that's one of the reasons my wife opened an account with Interactive Brokers. My hat is off to you for the numerous times you've taken suggestions from this thread and forwarded them to appropriate personnel at IB. Your clarifications on various issues have also been invaluable. Hopefully you're receiving the recognition/credit you deserve at IB.
thks, out of sight out of mind... seriously, I've been with the firm long enough where the most important thing to me is that we provide the best product.
hi just for info if someone is looking for the "save settings before exiting" like me, I was confused and looked for this. >>>4: already there, upgrade to new version and choose file save before exiting <<< point 4 described by Def works, if you do file-"save settings" and then just exit. there is no file - "save settings before exit" Def, thanks a lot, like always! eli
3]closeout/exit all position function (useful for when you get partials and don't have time to key in amt) the 'cancel page' is nice but it only cancels active orders. the feature request is also to send orders which would bring the portfolio to flat [sending sells for longs, buys for short you know]. this would be great function. the transmit and cancel page is a good step in that direction [orders can be prepared to the desired effect, but c'mon it's software, it should do it for us] thanks Babak, do you want to keep track of these ? I can do it if you want, as long as someone does. I created a thread last week for suggestion, but there is not enough follow up. it 's a pity because traders here do make great suggestions. neo
Some extra features I would like to see are - profit/loss on status bar instead keys used. - the ability to turn off toolbar to save room. - stay on top. - be able change order of pages. - the ability to setup a template of order routes. so when you type in the ticker it uses my template. - allow description to be not shown. - shortcut keys for account and executions.
no problem, I'll keep track and pass it on to you def keep'em coming (and please describe in detail what you are suggesting) thanks
I and some others have expressed the desire for a way to enter an order on the fly for fast trades where you don't have to take the time to set up routes. Perhaps one way to do this, if it's possible, would be for the programmers to add a little symbol entry box on the top of the menu bar where the O,C,T,E,A buttons are, and when you enter the symbol it could bring up market depth for that symbol, from which an order could be entered. Others have commented for the need to tie the order size into our default, which I totally agree with. Then all we'd have to do is hit Transmit. Ideally, the order should show up in the market depth box and not in the main window so that you can save mouse moves if you have to edit anything (like volume or price). That would make it much easier to do a fast trade. 99