"I also expanded the Toolbar section in the document. IB has been changing the icon design over and over, but they haven't fixed the most annoying problems with it, e.g. icons too big, no option to turn it off, no way to customize it. " I agree an option to remove it is necessary. Dragging it off is a pain.
IB helpdesk people are unbelievably rude. My latest experience ended with this message: "Guest was kicked from IB helpdesk by IB helpdesk #...." What is this?
Def, on qcharts level 2 and time and sales, nyse stocks sometimes trade on the nasd or chgo but i don't see those bids or offers when i display all routes in tws. Why does tws not allow you to trade nyse stocks via these routes? thanks
Does this happen only when you change the stop price, and not the limit price? An annyoance cropped up a couple releases ago, where if you hit Transmit on an existing order without having changed it, it just turns light blue. You have to actually change the price to get it to change back to green. Could this be related? If so, it's possible that the stop order change that you are trying to send is not being recognized, which would be bad.
quotes: make sure you are using version 757 (the latest upgrade). Help: if they close your chat window by mistake, the software could create that message. However, send me a PM or e-mail with the time, operater number, etc. and i'll ask the person running the desk to look at the transcripts. fleance's stops: I believe he is stating that the color has been fixed. All along modifications to stops were sent to the exchange. It was just that the color did not change. re: hitting the T when you already have an order and do not want to modify it. I think the color changes to blue to say: "WHY THE @&#$& WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Sorry, couldn't resist. I'll test on that today to make sure a duplicate order is not submitted and pass on the info to programming. My guess is that it stays light blue because no ack is rec'd because no new orders are sent. As for the task bar ----> For some reason my comments on this one haven't gotten anywhere. I'll try a different approach.
I just thought it might be related. It comes up occasionally because I modify an order that Excel sent to TWS manually because I want to move the price, and it's faster than waiting for Excel to see the reason for the change, making the change in Excel, and waiting for it to get sent, probably by a second or more, which can be the difference between getting filled and not. The problem occurs when I then make the change in Excel to keep it consistent, and it submits the order with the same price, and the orders turns light blue. It doesn't create any dup orders - it's just that the light blue color causes me to think that there's a problem for some other reason when I'm looking down a long list of orders to make sure everything's OK. I still get light-blue or magenta orders periodically for other reasons, so it's unsettling to see these. Again, it's not a big deal - just thought I'd mention it because it could be related. I didn't know whether it had been proven that the light-blue stops were actually updated correctly at the server.
I've posted this question publically, since I thought many would be interested in the response, given all of the recent threads on automation. Hi def, I've been working with automating my Tradestation orders via the DDE link to my IB account. I was disappointed to learn from online help at the IB site that I cannot do this with my futures account, only stocks. Is this something that may be changed in the future? I really like the capabilities, but for many reasons outlined in other threads, I'm pretty much a futures-only trader. Thanks in advance for any insight on this!
That's suprising to me as the DDE works for placing futures orders (just witnessed it for HK futures. If you want me to post the spread sheet, let me know). One other thing that may be of interest in the next release which is currently on beta (758): API modifications Market data updates are now fed immediately to API applications with no delay.