well, you need to know VB of course. Then just use the VBA scripts from the excel file. This will get ya going. There's a new discussion board on IB website with plenty of info on the API programming also. If everything else fails message me, and I'll try to put together a basic app that fetches quotes from IB via ActiveX as an example. Time is an issue, busy a bit, running back and forth here... Good luck Jaba
ok, since I see people are requesting this over, and over again... I put together a ridiculously simple VB Project. It will use ActiveX API to connect to the TWS, then request and display quotes for NQ contract. Use cdemo login. It's downloadable from my Visual Basic Projects directory, URL at the bottom of this message. I hope this helps Jaba ---- http://jabatrading.150m.com
First of all thanks for getting the ball rolling. Second I hate to reveal my ignorance so early into this but I don't follow what I need to run your files (which program). Project1.vbp Project1.vbw JabaActiveXTWS.frm I have been able to get Excel to enter orders, place stops and profit exits. I even have a trailing stop loss. (Although it requires a bit of user input) Perhaps I should be happy with what I already have. But being a tinkerer at heart I always want to customize things. Thanks again, Tonkadad
If you want to build your own Visual Basic app, you'll need Visual Basic compiler. The example I posted is to be used with Visual Basic, not excel. Jaba
I received an email from IB with my correct positions listed, however when I logged into my account there are 2 positions listed that are wrong and not included on today's email. The email has the correct positions: Daily Account Statement for 17-MAY-2002, generated 19-May-2002 13:38:16 EST My online account shows 2 incorrect positions. I called IB and they're closed. I sent an email to help@interactivebrokers.com. Is there anything else I can do?
FYI, today is a holiday in HK so other offices are covering the desk. Simply start up a chat and they can check your position. Alternatively, send an e-mail to the help desk and they can look into it.
Not right now. FYI, The latest release 769 (released for browsers today) will offer Iceberg orders (hidden size), sweep to fill orders and odd lot NYSE marketable orders. Non-marketable orders can be sent to the ECN's. A couple other API/DDE enhancements were added as well. http://www.interactivebrokers.com/html/User_Manual/Release_Notes/TWS_Notes_769.htm#769_oddlot. If you want MIT now, you'll have to use the API. Apparantly there is a users group for the API on yahoo. It is no affiliated with IB but I heard it is quite helpful.