IB FxTrader: CNY/USD and RMB/USD - 404?

Discussion in 'Forex' started by kmiklas, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. kmiklas


    Hello Forex People:

    Attempting to trade some Chinese pairs using IB FxTrader; specifically: Yuan CNY to USD, or Renminbi RMB to USD. They are not present in the system.

    Am I doing something wrong? Why can't I trade either of these FX pairs?



  2. SunTrader


    Yuan/Renmimbi has currency exchange controls on it and is pegged to the dollar (every so often they "adjust" it if it has deviated more than 1% o_O), therefore many sources provide quotes - almost none provide trade access.

    CME has futures but they have almost no volume most of the time.
    kmiklas likes this.
  3. kmiklas


    Thanks. I'm also looking into using the "Wechat" app, which is a gateway to a lot of stuff in China.

    I've also been reading up on opening an account with one of the four Chinese banks, and getting some currency so I can pay in Yuan. Seems it's easier to get married and divorced.
  4. maxinger


    you can trade yuan futures from
    exchanges like HKFE, Singapore, CME

    but the volume is extremely low.

    I wonder if things will change if China becomes the superpower.
  5. JSOP


    Relax!! USD is not going anywhere as a reserve currency!! As long as China does not allow free floating of its yuan, there is no point in trading it. You think China is better? Wait until you really live in it... I have friends who've lived in China (noticed the past perfect verb tense). They all came back eventually, all of them.

    I'll give you a hint. There are more Chinese people who want to come to the West than the people in the West wanting to go live in China.
    kmiklas likes this.
  6. I haven't tried myself, but did you check CNH instead of CNY and RMB?
    My reason for asking this question is that I see CNH listed on IB's pages about interest rates, but not CNY and RMB.
  7. Overnight


    That is a good point.
  8. JSOP


    Yes because CNY is not allowed to be traded freely against other currencies. It's tightly managed aka controlled by the central bank of China. The only thing you can trade is the CNH, which is the CNY proxy from Hong Kong, if I remember it correctly against other currencies. Its rate is similar to the real CNY.
  9. def

    def Sponsor

    CNY - Onshore can only be traded in China
    CNH - Offshore, available via IBKR. Current live market (4 PM HK: very tight (1 pip but note last fill was 1/2 pip and you can work your order) and liquid)

    CALLumbus likes this.