IB employee makes $30m in Tesla options, quits.

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by ZBZB, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. Never said i didnt read it, all i said is that i wasnt going to address anything else within the post - but alas I actually did address more than what i quoted.

    you are a genuine moron. Just another burned Elite Trader who blames everyone else but himself for his lack of success. Its clear to see why you dont read the markets correctly. You think I said i didnt read your post - when that isnt what I said at all - projection. My goodness you are fuckin dense.

    Carry-on loser, nothin else needs to be discussed with you.
    #21     Nov 6, 2020
  2. henry76


    I suspect strategies are copied , but I'm missing something about the story , this is about one trade more or less , ( or so it seems) , so he's just following a position if anything , not really a strategy . So I suppose maybe a secret , but not much of one , holding one large position isn't so much a strategy as an opinion which doesn't really need to be kept secret in a way , unlike trading a particular and profitable chart pattern , and that's if he was copying ,is it possible he decided tesla was a good bet on his own? ( I admit I havn't read / listened to story.
    #22     Nov 7, 2020